Phishing Kit Emails
rule PhishingKitEmail
$domain1 = "@gmail.com"
$domain2 = "@yandex.com"
$domain3 = "@outlook.com"
$domain4 = "@protonmail.com"
$domain5 = "@yahoo.com"
$domain6 = "@hotmail.com"
$domain7 = "@zoho.com"
$domain8 = "@yandex.ru"
$domain9 = "@163.com"
$domain10 = "@aol.com"
$domain11 = "@mail.ru"
(file_type contains "php") and (file_name contains "mail" or file_name contains "result" or file_name contains "next" or file_name contains "send" or file_name contains "connect" or file_name contains "info" or file_name contains "config" or file_name contains "process" or file_name contains "step" or file_name contains "success" or file_name contains "to" or file_name contains "login" or file_name contains "logon" or file_name contains "3d" or file_name contains "action" or file_name contains "pass" or file_name contains "user" or file_name contains "verif" or file_name contains "post" or file_name contains "finish" or file_name contains "log" or file_name contains "submit" or file_name contains "check") and any of ($domain*)
Monday, April 27, 2020
phishingkit email phishing yara rule
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Script Query UrlHaus , OpenPhish, PhishTank and Extract Dns, IPs for Threat Intel Feed
code to pull dns & ips from urlhaus, openphish, phishtank, etc.
#usage: iex (get-content .\GetData.ps1 | out-string) > output.txt
$debug = $true
$fileOutput = "dns.csv"
$fileIpOutput = "ip.csv"
$ignoreList = @("google.com", "www.google.com", "urlhaus.abuse.ch", "pastebin.com", "ak.imgfarm.com", "docs.google.com", "drive.google.com", "i.imgur.com", "img.sobot.com", "imgur.com", "www.imgur.com", "raw.githubusercontent.com", "github.com", "www.github.com", "adobe.com", "www.adobe.com", "ibm.com", "www.ibm.com", "dell.com", "www.dell.com", "bing.com", "www.bing.com", "msn.com", "www.msn.com", "documentcloud.adobe.com", "cisco.com", "www.cisco.com", "l.yimg.com", "yimg.com", "dl.dropboxusercontent.com", "dropbox.com", "www.dropbox.com", "godaddy.com", "godaddysites.com", "files.constantcontact.com", "ipinfo.io", "bit.ly", "onedrive.live.com", "000webhostapp.com", "storage.googleapis.com", "wikileaks.org", "forms.gle", "go2l.ink", "capesandbox.com", "twitter.com", "paste.cryptolaemus.com", "cryptolaemus.com", "gist.githubusercontent.com", "bitbucket.org", "img1.wsimg.com", "cdn.discordapp.com", "web.mit.edu", "bit.do", "na3.docusign.net", "sway.office.com", "sites.google.com", "aka.ms", "login.microsoftonline.com", "track.smtpsendmail.com", "r20.rs6.net", "files.gamebanana.com", "sems.sas.com", "www.avast.com", "", "bitly.com", "instagram.com", "www.instagram.com", "", "2016.3.3.0332", "", "", "", "cdn.speedof.me", "codeload.github.com", "tr.im", "urlz.fr", "accounts.google.com", "t.co", "fls.doubleclick.net", "1359940.fls.doubleclick.net", "rebrand.ly", "", "app.smartsheet.com", "forms.office.com", "api.whatsapp.com", "form.jotform.com", "tinyurl.com", "firebasestorage.googleapis.com", "www.google.com.au", "go.pardot.com", "goo.gl", "click.icptrack.com", "online.jimmyjohns.com", "feeds.feedburner.com", "www.google.co.uk", "event.on24.com", "www.powr.io", "protect-us.mimecast.com", "visitor.constantcontact.com", "www.questionpro.com", "click.pstmrk.it", "code.jivosite.com", "apple.co", "www.google.com.mx", "linktr.ee", "www.vcita.com", "www.evernote.com", "www.123formbuilder.com", "tiny.cc", "app.box.com", "script.google.com", "disq.us", "click.email.microsoftemail.com", "fiddle.jshell.net", "cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net", "lnkd.in", "www.magazineluiza.com.br", "share.hsforms.com", "fbwat.ch", "app.dialoginsight.com", "cl.s10.exct.net", "etrack05.com", "www.alaskausa.org", "vk.com", "storage.cloud.google.com", "1drv.ms", "www.imcreator.com", "", "sinacloud.net", "tinyurl.com", "is.gd", "note.youdao.com", "www.surveygizmo.com", "www.tinyurl.com", "surveygizmo.com", "ow.ly", "www.eater.com", "eater.com", "www.stats.gov.cn", "stats.gov.cn", "buff.ly", "www.angelfire.com", "epl.paypal-communication.com", "forms.zohopublic.com", "objectstorage.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com", "t.yesware.com", "snip.ly", "cutt.ly", "mysurveygizmo.com", "www.mysurveygizmo.com", "gitlab.com", "ht.ly", "teamapp.com", "chat.chatra.io", "id.ee.co.uk", "paste.ee","youtube.com","www.youtube.com","play.google.com","google.com.br","docsend.com","www.google.com.br","www.emailmeform.com","emailmeform.com","web.facebook.com","upload.facebook.com","te.bathandbodyworks.com","tatatechnologies.workplace.com","statis.facebook.com","protect-eu.mimecast.com","notion.so","mtouch.facebook.com","messenger.com","j.mp","images2.imgbox.com","graph.facebook.com","fbthirdpartypixel.com","es-la.facebook.com","error.facebook.com","email.secureserver.net","edge-chat.workplace.com","edge-chat.facebook.com","deref-gmx.net","cs.atdmt.com","click.mail.onedrive.com","ca.surveygizmo.com","business.facebook.com","badge.facebook.com","apps.facebook.com","api.facebook.com","an.facebook.com","about.instagram.com","yadi.sk", "", "www.notion.so","static.facebook.com","www.login-bank.org", "ctt.ec", "www.teamapp.com", "t.umblr.com", "upscri.be", "www.imeipro.info", "imeipro.info", "wisegeek.com", "deref-mail.com", "app.getaccept.com", "cdn2.hubspot.net", "slack-redir.net", "www.wisegeek.com", "chime.com", "www.chime.com", "b.link" , "hyperurl.co", "s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com", "podio.com", "s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com", "tfaforms.com", "www.tfaforms.com", "webservice99.com", "mediafire.com", "www.mediafire.com", "smarturl.it","s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com","www.restaurantdive.com" ,"rawcdn.githack.com"","https","http","ttp","ttps","lasvegas.craigslist.org","clicktime.symantec.com","survey.survicate.com","t.me","clicktotweet.com", "www.wetransfer.com", "wetransfer.com", "www.geocities.ws", "geocities.ws", "wa.me", "email.godaddy.com", "emailmarketing.locaweb.com.br", "dlvr.it", "www.sendspace.com", "v.ht", "", "static.wixstatic.com","docs.wixstatic.com","image.prntscr.com,"d1yjjnpx0p53s8.cloudfront.net", "canva.com", "articulo.mercadolibre.com.mx", "e-mudhra.com", "www.canva.com", "listado.mercadolibre.com.mx")
#$urlIntelThem = "https://openphish.com/feed.txt"
#$urlIntelThem = "https://data.phishtank.com/data/online-valid.csv"
#$urlIntelThem = "https://phishstats.info/phish_score.txt"
#$urlIntelThem = "https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/downloads/csv/"
#$urlIntelThem = "https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/downloads/csv_recent/"
$urlIntelThem = "https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/downloads/csv_online/"
$rawHttpThem = ""
$rawIntelThem = ""
$dnsList = ""
$ipList = ""
$first = 0
if($debug){ Write-Output ("Requesting '{0}'" -f $urlIntelThem) }
$httpResponseThem = Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials $urlIntelThem
$rawHttpThem = $httpResponseThem.RawContent
if($debug){ Write-Output ("Downloaded '{0}'" -f $urlIntelThem) }
if($rawHttpThem.IndexOf("abuse.ch") -gt 0){
$rawIntelThem = $rawHttpThem.SubString($rawHttpThem.LastIndexOf("# ")+2)
}elseif($rawHttpThem.IndexOf("PhishStats") -gt 0){
$rawIntelThem = "date,score,url,ip`r`n{0}" -f $rawHttpThem.SubString($rawHttpThem.LastIndexOf("# ")+2)
}elseif($rawHttpThem.IndexOf("phish_id") -gt 0){
$rawIntelThem = $rawHttpThem.SubString($rawHttpThem.IndexOf("phish_id"))
$first = $rawHttpThem.IndexOf("http")
$rawIntelThem = "url`r`n{0}" -f $rawHttpThem.SubString($first)
$csvThemIntel = ConvertFrom-Csv $rawIntelThem
$outputList = @()
$outputIpList = @()
$savedCount = 0
$savedIpCount = 0
$ignoredCount = 0
foreach($rowIntelThem in $csvThemIntel){
try {
$domainThem = ([System.Uri]::new($rowIntelThem.url).Host).ToString()
$ignoreIt = 0
foreach($ignoredItem in $ignoreList){
if($domainThem.ToLower() -eq $ignoredItem.ToLower()){
$ignoreIt = 1
$ignoredCount = $ignoredCount +1
if($ignoreIt -eq 0){
$ipThem = [IPAddress] $domainThem
$newHit = New-Object PSObject
$newHit | add-member Noteproperty ip $ipThem
$outputIpList += $newHit
$savedIpCount = $savedIpCount + 1
#double count it (www.ebay.com and ebay.com)
$newHit = New-Object PSObject
$newHit | add-member Noteproperty dns $domainThem.SubString(4)
$outputList += $newHit
$savedCount = $savedCount + 1
$newHit = New-Object PSObject
$newHit | add-member Noteproperty dns $domainThem
$outputList += $newHit
$savedCount = $savedCount + 1
if($debug){ Write-Output ("Exporting '{0}'" -f $fileOutput) }
$outputList | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path $fileOutput
if($debug){ Write-Output ("Saved '{0}'" -f $fileOutput) }
if($debug){ Write-Output ("Exporting '{0}'" -f $fileIpOutput) }
$outputIpList | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path $fileIpOutput
if($debug){ Write-Output ("Saved '{0}'" -f $fileIpOutput) }
if($debug){ Write-Output ("Dns='{0}', Ips='{1}', Ignored='{2}'" -f $savedCount, $savedIpCount, $ignoredCount) }
foreach($dns in $outputList){
if($dnsList -eq ""){
$dnsList = $dns.dns
$dnsList = "{0},{1}" -f $dnsList , $dns.dns
foreach($ip in $outputIpList){
if($ipList -eq ""){
$ipList = $ip.ip
$ipList = "{0},{1}" -f $ipList , $ip.ip
Write-Output $dnsList
Write-Output $ipList
#usage: iex (get-content .\GetData.ps1 | out-string) > output.txt
$debug = $true
$fileOutput = "dns.csv"
$fileIpOutput = "ip.csv"
$ignoreList = @("google.com", "www.google.com", "urlhaus.abuse.ch", "pastebin.com", "ak.imgfarm.com", "docs.google.com", "drive.google.com", "i.imgur.com", "img.sobot.com", "imgur.com", "www.imgur.com", "raw.githubusercontent.com", "github.com", "www.github.com", "adobe.com", "www.adobe.com", "ibm.com", "www.ibm.com", "dell.com", "www.dell.com", "bing.com", "www.bing.com", "msn.com", "www.msn.com", "documentcloud.adobe.com", "cisco.com", "www.cisco.com", "l.yimg.com", "yimg.com", "dl.dropboxusercontent.com", "dropbox.com", "www.dropbox.com", "godaddy.com", "godaddysites.com", "files.constantcontact.com", "ipinfo.io", "bit.ly", "onedrive.live.com", "000webhostapp.com", "storage.googleapis.com", "wikileaks.org", "forms.gle", "go2l.ink", "capesandbox.com", "twitter.com", "paste.cryptolaemus.com", "cryptolaemus.com", "gist.githubusercontent.com", "bitbucket.org", "img1.wsimg.com", "cdn.discordapp.com", "web.mit.edu", "bit.do", "na3.docusign.net", "sway.office.com", "sites.google.com", "aka.ms", "login.microsoftonline.com", "track.smtpsendmail.com", "r20.rs6.net", "files.gamebanana.com", "sems.sas.com", "www.avast.com", "", "bitly.com", "instagram.com", "www.instagram.com", "", "2016.3.3.0332", "", "", "", "cdn.speedof.me", "codeload.github.com", "tr.im", "urlz.fr", "accounts.google.com", "t.co", "fls.doubleclick.net", "1359940.fls.doubleclick.net", "rebrand.ly", "", "app.smartsheet.com", "forms.office.com", "api.whatsapp.com", "form.jotform.com", "tinyurl.com", "firebasestorage.googleapis.com", "www.google.com.au", "go.pardot.com", "goo.gl", "click.icptrack.com", "online.jimmyjohns.com", "feeds.feedburner.com", "www.google.co.uk", "event.on24.com", "www.powr.io", "protect-us.mimecast.com", "visitor.constantcontact.com", "www.questionpro.com", "click.pstmrk.it", "code.jivosite.com", "apple.co", "www.google.com.mx", "linktr.ee", "www.vcita.com", "www.evernote.com", "www.123formbuilder.com", "tiny.cc", "app.box.com", "script.google.com", "disq.us", "click.email.microsoftemail.com", "fiddle.jshell.net", "cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net", "lnkd.in", "www.magazineluiza.com.br", "share.hsforms.com", "fbwat.ch", "app.dialoginsight.com", "cl.s10.exct.net", "etrack05.com", "www.alaskausa.org", "vk.com", "storage.cloud.google.com", "1drv.ms", "www.imcreator.com", "", "sinacloud.net", "tinyurl.com", "is.gd", "note.youdao.com", "www.surveygizmo.com", "www.tinyurl.com", "surveygizmo.com", "ow.ly", "www.eater.com", "eater.com", "www.stats.gov.cn", "stats.gov.cn", "buff.ly", "www.angelfire.com", "epl.paypal-communication.com", "forms.zohopublic.com", "objectstorage.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com", "t.yesware.com", "snip.ly", "cutt.ly", "mysurveygizmo.com", "www.mysurveygizmo.com", "gitlab.com", "ht.ly", "teamapp.com", "chat.chatra.io", "id.ee.co.uk", "paste.ee","youtube.com","www.youtube.com","play.google.com","google.com.br","docsend.com","www.google.com.br","www.emailmeform.com","emailmeform.com","web.facebook.com","upload.facebook.com","te.bathandbodyworks.com","tatatechnologies.workplace.com","statis.facebook.com","protect-eu.mimecast.com","notion.so","mtouch.facebook.com","messenger.com","j.mp","images2.imgbox.com","graph.facebook.com","fbthirdpartypixel.com","es-la.facebook.com","error.facebook.com","email.secureserver.net","edge-chat.workplace.com","edge-chat.facebook.com","deref-gmx.net","cs.atdmt.com","click.mail.onedrive.com","ca.surveygizmo.com","business.facebook.com","badge.facebook.com","apps.facebook.com","api.facebook.com","an.facebook.com","about.instagram.com","yadi.sk", "", "www.notion.so","static.facebook.com","www.login-bank.org", "ctt.ec", "www.teamapp.com", "t.umblr.com", "upscri.be", "www.imeipro.info", "imeipro.info", "wisegeek.com", "deref-mail.com", "app.getaccept.com", "cdn2.hubspot.net", "slack-redir.net", "www.wisegeek.com", "chime.com", "www.chime.com", "b.link" , "hyperurl.co", "s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com", "podio.com", "s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com", "tfaforms.com", "www.tfaforms.com", "webservice99.com", "mediafire.com", "www.mediafire.com", "smarturl.it","s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com","www.restaurantdive.com" ,"rawcdn.githack.com"","https","http","ttp","ttps","lasvegas.craigslist.org","clicktime.symantec.com","survey.survicate.com","t.me","clicktotweet.com", "www.wetransfer.com", "wetransfer.com", "www.geocities.ws", "geocities.ws", "wa.me", "email.godaddy.com", "emailmarketing.locaweb.com.br", "dlvr.it", "www.sendspace.com", "v.ht", "", "static.wixstatic.com","docs.wixstatic.com","image.prntscr.com,"d1yjjnpx0p53s8.cloudfront.net", "canva.com", "articulo.mercadolibre.com.mx", "e-mudhra.com", "www.canva.com", "listado.mercadolibre.com.mx")
#$urlIntelThem = "https://openphish.com/feed.txt"
#$urlIntelThem = "https://data.phishtank.com/data/online-valid.csv"
#$urlIntelThem = "https://phishstats.info/phish_score.txt"
#$urlIntelThem = "https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/downloads/csv/"
#$urlIntelThem = "https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/downloads/csv_recent/"
$urlIntelThem = "https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/downloads/csv_online/"
$rawHttpThem = ""
$rawIntelThem = ""
$dnsList = ""
$ipList = ""
$first = 0
if($debug){ Write-Output ("Requesting '{0}'" -f $urlIntelThem) }
$httpResponseThem = Invoke-WebRequest -UseDefaultCredentials $urlIntelThem
$rawHttpThem = $httpResponseThem.RawContent
if($debug){ Write-Output ("Downloaded '{0}'" -f $urlIntelThem) }
if($rawHttpThem.IndexOf("abuse.ch") -gt 0){
$rawIntelThem = $rawHttpThem.SubString($rawHttpThem.LastIndexOf("# ")+2)
}elseif($rawHttpThem.IndexOf("PhishStats") -gt 0){
$rawIntelThem = "date,score,url,ip`r`n{0}" -f $rawHttpThem.SubString($rawHttpThem.LastIndexOf("# ")+2)
}elseif($rawHttpThem.IndexOf("phish_id") -gt 0){
$rawIntelThem = $rawHttpThem.SubString($rawHttpThem.IndexOf("phish_id"))
$first = $rawHttpThem.IndexOf("http")
$rawIntelThem = "url`r`n{0}" -f $rawHttpThem.SubString($first)
$csvThemIntel = ConvertFrom-Csv $rawIntelThem
$outputList = @()
$outputIpList = @()
$savedCount = 0
$savedIpCount = 0
$ignoredCount = 0
foreach($rowIntelThem in $csvThemIntel){
try {
$domainThem = ([System.Uri]::new($rowIntelThem.url).Host).ToString()
$ignoreIt = 0
foreach($ignoredItem in $ignoreList){
if($domainThem.ToLower() -eq $ignoredItem.ToLower()){
$ignoreIt = 1
$ignoredCount = $ignoredCount +1
if($ignoreIt -eq 0){
$ipThem = [IPAddress] $domainThem
$newHit = New-Object PSObject
$newHit | add-member Noteproperty ip $ipThem
$outputIpList += $newHit
$savedIpCount = $savedIpCount + 1
#double count it (www.ebay.com and ebay.com)
$newHit = New-Object PSObject
$newHit | add-member Noteproperty dns $domainThem.SubString(4)
$outputList += $newHit
$savedCount = $savedCount + 1
$newHit = New-Object PSObject
$newHit | add-member Noteproperty dns $domainThem
$outputList += $newHit
$savedCount = $savedCount + 1
if($debug){ Write-Output ("Exporting '{0}'" -f $fileOutput) }
$outputList | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path $fileOutput
if($debug){ Write-Output ("Saved '{0}'" -f $fileOutput) }
if($debug){ Write-Output ("Exporting '{0}'" -f $fileIpOutput) }
$outputIpList | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path $fileIpOutput
if($debug){ Write-Output ("Saved '{0}'" -f $fileIpOutput) }
if($debug){ Write-Output ("Dns='{0}', Ips='{1}', Ignored='{2}'" -f $savedCount, $savedIpCount, $ignoredCount) }
foreach($dns in $outputList){
if($dnsList -eq ""){
$dnsList = $dns.dns
$dnsList = "{0},{1}" -f $dnsList , $dns.dns
foreach($ip in $outputIpList){
if($ipList -eq ""){
$ipList = $ip.ip
$ipList = "{0},{1}" -f $ipList , $ip.ip
Write-Output $dnsList
Write-Output $ipList
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Query Sysmon Logs using Powershell Get-WinEvent
get-winevent -filterhashtable @{logname="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational";id=1} | select Message |foreach-object {$a = $_.Message.split([Environment]::NewLine); ""; foreach ($a2 in $a) {$b = $a2.split(':',2); $key = $b[0]; $value = $b[1]; if($key -eq "CommandLine" -or $key -eq "ParentCommandLine"){"{0}={1}" -f ($key,$value)}}}
sample output
CommandLine= sh "C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/libexec/git-core\\git-update-git-for-windows" --quiet --gui
ParentCommandLine= git.exe update-git-for-windows --quiet --gui
CommandLine= git.exe update-git-for-windows --quiet --gui
ParentCommandLine= cmd\git.exe update-git-for-windows --quiet --gui
CommandLine= cmd\git.exe update-git-for-windows --quiet --gui
ParentCommandLine= "C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe" --hide --no-needs-console --command=cmd\git.exe update-git-for-windows --quiet --gui
CommandLine= "C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe" --hide --no-needs-console --command=cmd\git.exe update-git-for-windows --quiet --gui
ParentCommandLine= C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s Schedule
sample output
CommandLine= sh "C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/libexec/git-core\\git-update-git-for-windows" --quiet --gui
ParentCommandLine= git.exe update-git-for-windows --quiet --gui
CommandLine= git.exe update-git-for-windows --quiet --gui
ParentCommandLine= cmd\git.exe update-git-for-windows --quiet --gui
CommandLine= cmd\git.exe update-git-for-windows --quiet --gui
ParentCommandLine= "C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe" --hide --no-needs-console --command=cmd\git.exe update-git-for-windows --quiet --gui
CommandLine= "C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe" --hide --no-needs-console --command=cmd\git.exe update-git-for-windows --quiet --gui
ParentCommandLine= C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s Schedule
Monday, April 20, 2020
GfxDownloadWrapper.exe downloader
cd c:\windows\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\ki132337.inf_amd64_223d6831ffa64ab1
(sub folder may vary)
GfxDownloadWrapper.exe https://somewhere/test.exe c:\windows\temp\test.exe
dir c:\windows\temp\test.exe
(sub folder may vary)
GfxDownloadWrapper.exe https://somewhere/test.exe c:\windows\temp\test.exe
dir c:\windows\temp\test.exe
expand.exe files copied
to copy from a file share
expand.exe \\share\test.txt c:\windows\temp\test.exe
expand.exe \\share\test.txt c:\windows\temp\test.exe
esentutl file copies
Get from a file share
esentutl.exe /y \\share\test.exe /d c:\windows\temp\test.exe
esentutl.exe /y \\share\test.exe /d c:\windows\temp\test.exe
certutil downloader
certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f https://somewhere/test.exe c:\windows\temp\test.exe
dir c:\windows\temp\test.exe
dir c:\windows\temp\test.exe
bitsadmin download
bitsadmin /CREATE TestJob
bitsadmin /ADDFILE TestJob https://somewhere.com/file.exe c:\windows\temp\file.exe
bitsadmin /RESUME TestJob
bitsadmin /INFO TestJob /VERBOSE
bitsadmin /COMPLETE TestJob
dir c:\windows\temp\file.exe
bitsadmin /ADDFILE TestJob https://somewhere.com/file.exe c:\windows\temp\file.exe
bitsadmin /RESUME TestJob
bitsadmin /INFO TestJob /VERBOSE
bitsadmin /COMPLETE TestJob
dir c:\windows\temp\file.exe
bitsadmin timeout troubleshooting error
List all BITSADMIN jobs and their status
Troubleshoot a specific job
bitsadmin /GETERROR MyJobsName
Troubleshoot a specific job
bitsadmin /GETERROR MyJobsName
Monday, April 13, 2020
Wmic List all Processes, sort in powershell
$processes = wmic.exe process list |foreach-object {$k = $_ -split '\s+';foreach($i in $k){if($i -notmatch "\\" -and $i.endswith(".exe")){$i.tolower()}}} |sort-object|get-unique
example output
... more ...
example output
$processpaths = wmic.exe process list |foreach-object {$k = $_ -split '\s+';foreach($i in $k){if($i -notmatch "\\" -and $i.endswith(".exe")){$i.tolower()}}} |sort-object|get-unique|foreach-object{get-process -name ($_ -replace ".{4}$") | select path} |foreach-object {$_.path.tolower()} |get-unique
example output
c:\program files (x86)\common files\adobe\arm\1.0\adobearm.exe
c:\program files\citrix\secure access client\aoservice.exe
... more ...
Nullsoft Installer in IDA Pro
Just my attempt to review the start of the nullsoft installer (EasyPDfCombine)
MD5 C95772694EA68F394DAA4AC144BD40FB
- call ds:InitCommonControls [ initialized common controls in windows ]
- call ds:SetErrorMode (8001h) [ send critical errors to calling process, no prompt if error]
- call ds:OleInitialize [initialize COM (component model object) library ]
- call sub_xxxxx1
-- call ds:GetModuleHandleA [ gets handle to the KERNEL32.DLL ]
-- call ds:LoadLibraryA [ loads KERNEL32.DLL into memory ]
-- call ds:GetProcessAddress [ gets the address of GetDiskFreeSpaceExW method, dynamically loaded, it is not in the import table ]
- call ds:SHGetFileInfoW [ gets info like file name, attribute, ioc of file ]
- call sub_xxxxx2
-- call ds:lstrcpynW [ makes a copy of the NSIS error message string ]
- call ds:CommandLineW [ gets the command line string for this process ]
- call sub_xxxxx2
-- call ds:lstrcpynW [ makes a copy of the command line string ]
- call ds:GetModuleHandleW [ gets a handle to the file of this current process ]
- call sub_xxxxx3 [ arguments are Quote(") and the Command Line String ]
-- while character is not a Quote(")
-- call ds:CharNextW [] to move to the next character in Command line String
- call ds:CharNextW [move past the Quote(") that was just found]
- while character is not a Space (0x20)
-- inc eax [ move to the next letter in the command line string]
- inc eax (past Quote(" , 0x22))
- find the flag ("/S" , 0x2f53)
- find the flag ("/NCRC", 0x2f4E435243) (note: in assembly listed CNCR (reversed)
- call sub_xxxxx2
-- call ds:lstrcpynW [ makes a copy of the command line string ]
MD5 C95772694EA68F394DAA4AC144BD40FB
- call ds:InitCommonControls [ initialized common controls in windows ]
- call ds:SetErrorMode (8001h) [ send critical errors to calling process, no prompt if error]
- call ds:OleInitialize [initialize COM (component model object) library ]
- call sub_xxxxx1
-- call ds:GetModuleHandleA [ gets handle to the KERNEL32.DLL ]
-- call ds:LoadLibraryA [ loads KERNEL32.DLL into memory ]
-- call ds:GetProcessAddress [ gets the address of GetDiskFreeSpaceExW method, dynamically loaded, it is not in the import table ]
- call ds:SHGetFileInfoW [ gets info like file name, attribute, ioc of file ]
- call sub_xxxxx2
-- call ds:lstrcpynW [ makes a copy of the NSIS error message string ]
- call ds:CommandLineW [ gets the command line string for this process ]
- call sub_xxxxx2
-- call ds:lstrcpynW [ makes a copy of the command line string ]
- call ds:GetModuleHandleW [ gets a handle to the file of this current process ]
- call sub_xxxxx3 [ arguments are Quote(") and the Command Line String ]
-- while character is not a Quote(")
-- call ds:CharNextW [] to move to the next character in Command line String
- call ds:CharNextW [move past the Quote(") that was just found]
- while character is not a Space (0x20)
-- inc eax [ move to the next letter in the command line string]
- inc eax (past Quote(" , 0x22))
- find the flag ("/S" , 0x2f53)
- find the flag ("/NCRC", 0x2f4E435243) (note: in assembly listed CNCR (reversed)
- call sub_xxxxx2
-- call ds:lstrcpynW [ makes a copy of the command line string ]
- call ds:GetTempPathW [ gets path of temp folder ]
- call ds:GetWindowsDirectoryW [ gets path of windows folder ]
- call lstrcatW [ append "Temp" to the folder so c:\windows\temp ]
- call sub_xxxxx4
-- call sub_xxxxx5 [ did not finish ]
-- call sub_xxxxx6 [ did not finish ]
-- call sub_xxxxx7 [ did not finish ]
-- call ds:CreateDirectoryW
-- call sub_xxxxx8 [ did not finish ]
- call ds:GetTempPathW [ gets path of temp folder ]
- call lstrcatW [ append the word "Low" to the temp folder ]
note: changes it from C:\Users\x\AppData\Local to C:\Users\x\AppData\LocalLow
- call ds:SetEnvironmentVariableW [ set T to the temp folder ]
- call ds:SetEnvironmentVariableW [ set TMP to the temp folder ]
- call ds:DeleteFileW [ ]
- ... much more ...
- call lstrcatW [ append "~nsu.tmp" to the temp folder path ]
- ... more ...
- call ds:CreateDirectoryW [ create a new temp folder ]
- call ds:SetCurrentDirectoryW [ move to the newly created folder ]
- call sub_xxxxx2
- call lstrcatW [ append "~nsu.tmp" to the temp folder path ]
- ... more ...
- call ds:CreateDirectoryW [ create a new temp folder ]
- call ds:SetCurrentDirectoryW [ move to the newly created folder ]
- call sub_xxxxx2
- call sub_xxxxx2
- call sub_xxxxx9 [works on CurrentVersion registry and Quick Launch registry]
- call ds:DeleteFileW
- call ds:CopyFileW
- call sub_xxxxx9 [works on CurrentVersion registry and Quick Launch registry]
- call sub_xxxxx10
-- call ds:CreateProcess
-- call ds:CloseHandle
- call ds:CloseHandle
- ... more ...
- call ds:DeleteFileW
- call ds:CopyFileW
- call sub_xxxxx9 [works on CurrentVersion registry and Quick Launch registry]
- call sub_xxxxx10
-- call ds:CreateProcess
-- call ds:CloseHandle
- call ds:CloseHandle
- ... more ...
C++ Console App in IDA Pro find Actual Main Function
In C++
which looks like
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if ((argc == 3 && strlen(argv[1]) == 1 && argv[1][0] == '0') ||
(argc == 2 && strlen(argv[1]) == 1 && argv[1][0] == '1'))
.... more code ....
In IDA Pro here is how to find the actual main function
start proc
jmp start_0
start_0 proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call sub_xxxxx1 (just calls init functions)
pop ebp
sub_xxxxx1 proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call sub_xxxxx2 (security cookie check)
call sub_xxxxx3 (initializes and then calls actual main function)
pop ebp
sub_xxxxx3 proc
var_44= dword ptr -44h
var_40= dword ptr -40h
var_3C= dword ptr -3Ch
... many more ...
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call j__initterm
call ds:___guard_check_icall_fptr
call j__register_threat_local_exe_atexit_callback
add esp, 4
call sub_xxxxx4 (will end up calling the actual main function)
call j_exit
... lots more code...
sub_xxxxx4 proc
var_C= dword ptr -0Ch
var_8= dword ptr -8h
var_4= dword ptr -4h
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call j__get_initial_narrow_environment
call j__p___argv
call j__p___argc
call j__sub_xxxxx5 (will end up calling the actual main function)
add esp, 0Ch
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
sub_xxxxx5 proc
jmp sub_xxxxx6 (the ACTUAL main function code)
sub_xxxxx6 proc
var_178= dword ptr -178h
var_174= dword ptr -174h
var_168= dword ptr -168h
... many more ...
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 178h
rep stosd
mov eax, __security_cookie
cmp [ebp+arg_0], 3 (equivalent of C++ "if argc == 3")
call j_strlen (equivalent of c++ 'strlen' call)
... rest of code ...
which looks like
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if ((argc == 3 && strlen(argv[1]) == 1 && argv[1][0] == '0') ||
(argc == 2 && strlen(argv[1]) == 1 && argv[1][0] == '1'))
.... more code ....
In IDA Pro here is how to find the actual main function
start proc
jmp start_0
start_0 proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call sub_xxxxx1 (just calls init functions)
pop ebp
sub_xxxxx1 proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call sub_xxxxx2 (security cookie check)
call sub_xxxxx3 (initializes and then calls actual main function)
pop ebp
sub_xxxxx3 proc
var_44= dword ptr -44h
var_40= dword ptr -40h
var_3C= dword ptr -3Ch
... many more ...
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call j__initterm
call ds:___guard_check_icall_fptr
call j__register_threat_local_exe_atexit_callback
add esp, 4
call sub_xxxxx4 (will end up calling the actual main function)
call j_exit
... lots more code...
sub_xxxxx4 proc
var_C= dword ptr -0Ch
var_8= dword ptr -8h
var_4= dword ptr -4h
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call j__get_initial_narrow_environment
call j__p___argv
call j__p___argc
call j__sub_xxxxx5 (will end up calling the actual main function)
add esp, 0Ch
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
sub_xxxxx5 proc
jmp sub_xxxxx6 (the ACTUAL main function code)
sub_xxxxx6 proc
var_178= dword ptr -178h
var_174= dword ptr -174h
var_168= dword ptr -168h
... many more ...
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 178h
rep stosd
mov eax, __security_cookie
cmp [ebp+arg_0], 3 (equivalent of C++ "if argc == 3")
call j_strlen (equivalent of c++ 'strlen' call)
... rest of code ...
Xor brutexor.py Example
C++ code to xor encrypt or decrypt (below)
When compiled it builds XorTesting.exe
You can find the hardcoded value by running brutexor.py ( http://hooked-on-mnemonics.blogspot.com/p/iheartxor.html )
$> python.exe brutexor.py XorTesting.exe | findstr http
0x672f key 0x1f http://www.google.com/happy
C++ code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdlib>
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if ((argc == 3 && strlen(argv[1]) == 1 && argv[1][0] == '0') ||
(argc == 2 && strlen(argv[1]) == 1 && argv[1][0] == '1'))
char parameter[50] = "wkkohhh1xppxsz1|pr0w~oof\0";
char xord[50];
int key = 31;
if (argv[1][0] == '0')
printf("Running in 'user input(0)' mode\n\n");
strncpy_s(parameter, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]));
unsigned int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(parameter); i++)
xord[i] = parameter[i] ^ key;
xord[i] = '\0';
printf("key : 0x%x\n", key);
printf("before: %s\n", parameter);
printf("after : %s\n", xord);
else if (argv[1][0] == '1')
printf("Running in 'hardcoded value (1)' mode\n\n");
unsigned int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(parameter); i++)
xord[i] = parameter[i] ^ key;
xord[i] = '\0';
printf("key : 0x%x\n", key);
printf("before: %s\n", parameter);
printf("after : %s\n", xord);
printf("Usage:\n 0 = user input mode\n 1 = hardcoded value mode\n\n XorTesting.exe 0 cleartextvalue\n XorTesting.exe 1");
When compiled it builds XorTesting.exe
You can find the hardcoded value by running brutexor.py ( http://hooked-on-mnemonics.blogspot.com/p/iheartxor.html )
$> python.exe brutexor.py XorTesting.exe | findstr http
0x672f key 0x1f http://www.google.com/happy
C++ code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdlib>
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if ((argc == 3 && strlen(argv[1]) == 1 && argv[1][0] == '0') ||
(argc == 2 && strlen(argv[1]) == 1 && argv[1][0] == '1'))
char parameter[50] = "wkkohhh1xppxsz1|pr0w~oof\0";
char xord[50];
int key = 31;
if (argv[1][0] == '0')
printf("Running in 'user input(0)' mode\n\n");
strncpy_s(parameter, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]));
unsigned int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(parameter); i++)
xord[i] = parameter[i] ^ key;
xord[i] = '\0';
printf("key : 0x%x\n", key);
printf("before: %s\n", parameter);
printf("after : %s\n", xord);
else if (argv[1][0] == '1')
printf("Running in 'hardcoded value (1)' mode\n\n");
unsigned int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(parameter); i++)
xord[i] = parameter[i] ^ key;
xord[i] = '\0';
printf("key : 0x%x\n", key);
printf("before: %s\n", parameter);
printf("after : %s\n", xord);
printf("Usage:\n 0 = user input mode\n 1 = hardcoded value mode\n\n XorTesting.exe 0 cleartextvalue\n XorTesting.exe 1");
Friday, April 10, 2020
Find all Malware in a Folder with a Single String in it
# the keyword string to search for
$stringToSearchFor = "http://nsis.sf.net/NSIS_Error";
# run strings on all malware *.bin files in the directory and output strings to .bin.txt files
get-childitem \ -filter *.bin |select name,fullname|foreach-object {$cmd = "/c strings64.exe -n 8 `""+$_.fullname +"`" > `""+$_.name+".txt`""; start-process -filepath "cmd.exe" -argumentlist $cmd}
# search each *.bin.txt strings results for that keyword
get-childitem \ -filter *.bin.txt| select name,fullname|foreach-object{[string []] $lines = Get-Content -Path $_.f
ullname;if($lines -contains $stringToSearchFor){$_.name}}
search all malware files for a single string
sample output
Internet Speed Tracker.bin.txt
$stringToSearchFor = "http://nsis.sf.net/NSIS_Error";
# run strings on all malware *.bin files in the directory and output strings to .bin.txt files
get-childitem \ -filter *.bin |select name,fullname|foreach-object {$cmd = "/c strings64.exe -n 8 `""+$_.fullname +"`" > `""+$_.name+".txt`""; start-process -filepath "cmd.exe" -argumentlist $cmd}
# search each *.bin.txt strings results for that keyword
get-childitem \ -filter *.bin.txt| select name,fullname|foreach-object{[string []] $lines = Get-Content -Path $_.f
ullname;if($lines -contains $stringToSearchFor){$_.name}}
search all malware files for a single string
sample output
Internet Speed Tracker.bin.txt
Use Powershell to Run Yara against entire Folder of Malware
# run "myrules.yar" against all *.bin files in a folder and print to standard output
get-childitem \ -filter *.bin |select fullname|foreach-object {$cmd ="&./yara64.exe myrules.yar "+ $_.fullname + " -s"; iex $cmd }
sample output
MindsparkToolbar \EasyPDFCombine.bin
0x4a34e:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0x4b2e6:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0xae8c:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xafca:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xb090:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
MindsparkToolbar \EverydayLookup.bin
0x5c276:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0x5d20e:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0xc414:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xc55a:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xc620:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
MindsparkToolbar \FromDocToPdf.bin
0x5fbce:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0x60b69:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0x5f05f:$publisher: Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc.
0x5f08d:$publisher: Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc.
0x600be:$publisher: Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc.
0x600ec:$publisher: Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc.
0xae8c:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xafca:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xb090:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
error: could not open file: \Internet
MindsparkToolbar \YourTemplateFinder.bin
0x5b498:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0x5c43a:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0xae8c:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xafe2:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xb0a8:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
get-childitem \ -filter *.bin |select fullname|foreach-object {$cmd ="&./yara64.exe myrules.yar "+ $_.fullname + " -s"; iex $cmd }
run yara against all malware files in a folder
sample output
MindsparkToolbar \EasyPDFCombine.bin
0x4a34e:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0x4b2e6:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0xae8c:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xafca:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xb090:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
MindsparkToolbar \EverydayLookup.bin
0x5c276:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0x5d20e:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0xc414:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xc55a:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xc620:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
MindsparkToolbar \FromDocToPdf.bin
0x5fbce:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0x60b69:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0x5f05f:$publisher: Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc.
0x5f08d:$publisher: Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc.
0x600be:$publisher: Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc.
0x600ec:$publisher: Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc.
0xae8c:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xafca:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xb090:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
error: could not open file: \Internet
MindsparkToolbar \YourTemplateFinder.bin
0x5b498:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0x5c43a:$eula: http://eula.mindspark.com/ask/0
0xae8c:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xafe2:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
0xb0a8:$publisherWide: M\x00i\x00n\x00d\x00s\x00p\x00a\x00r\x00k\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00a\x00c\x00t\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00 \x00N\x00e\x00t\x00w\x00o\x00r\x00k\x00,\x00 \x00I\x00n\x00c\x00.\x00
Compare Malware Strings of Multiple Files for Matches
# run strings on all malware *.bin files in the directory and output strings to .bin.txt files
get-childitem \ -filter *.bin |select name,fullname|foreach-object {$cmd = "/c strings64.exe -n 8 `""+$_.fullname +"`" > `""+$_.name+".txt`""; start-process -filepath "cmd.exe" -argumentlist $cmd}
# compare every .bin.txt files and return only strings that are in ALL of them
$counter=0; $matches = @(); $lines1 = @(); get-childitem \ -filter *.bin.txt |select name,fullname|foreach-object {if($counter -eq 0){$counter++; $lines1=get-content -path $_.fullname; $lines1=$lines1|sort;}else{$matches=@();$counter++;$lines2=get-content -path $_.fullname;$lines2=$lines2|sort;foreach($str in $lines1){if($lines2 -contains $str) {$matches += $str}};$lines1=$matches;}};$matches|get-unique
find matches in multiple malware files
find matches in multiple lists
find matches in multiple arrays
Sample output
!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
get-childitem \ -filter *.bin |select name,fullname|foreach-object {$cmd = "/c strings64.exe -n 8 `""+$_.fullname +"`" > `""+$_.name+".txt`""; start-process -filepath "cmd.exe" -argumentlist $cmd}
# compare every .bin.txt files and return only strings that are in ALL of them
$counter=0; $matches = @(); $lines1 = @(); get-childitem \ -filter *.bin.txt |select name,fullname|foreach-object {if($counter -eq 0){$counter++; $lines1=get-content -path $_.fullname; $lines1=$lines1|sort;}else{$matches=@();$counter++;$lines2=get-content -path $_.fullname;$lines2=$lines2|sort;foreach($str in $lines1){if($lines2 -contains $str) {$matches += $str}};$lines1=$matches;}};$matches|get-unique
find matches in multiple malware files
find matches in multiple lists
find matches in multiple arrays
Sample output
!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
Compare Malware Strings of 2 Files for Matches
# run strings on both malware samples
strings64.exe -n 8 malware1.exe > str1.txt
strings64.exe -n 8 malware2.exe > str2.txt
# put the results into 2 arrays
[string []] $lines1 = Get-Content -Path str1.txt
[string []] $lines2 = Get-Content -Path str2.txt
# sort the arrays
$lines1 = $lines1 |sort
$lines2 = $lines2 |sort
# find matches in the 2 lists
$matches = @()
foreach ($str in $lines1) {if($lines2 -contains $str) {$matches += $str}}
find matches in 2 arrays
find matches in 2 lists
find lines in 2 files
find lines in 2 arrays
compare 2 malware strings
compare 2 files
compare 2 arrays
Sample output
!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA
%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA0
%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA0
... %d%%
.DEFAULT\Control Panel\International
\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
strings64.exe -n 8 malware1.exe > str1.txt
strings64.exe -n 8 malware2.exe > str2.txt
# put the results into 2 arrays
[string []] $lines1 = Get-Content -Path str1.txt
[string []] $lines2 = Get-Content -Path str2.txt
# sort the arrays
$lines1 = $lines1 |sort
$lines2 = $lines2 |sort
# find matches in the 2 lists
$matches = @()
foreach ($str in $lines1) {if($lines2 -contains $str) {$matches += $str}}
find matches in 2 arrays
find matches in 2 lists
find lines in 2 files
find lines in 2 arrays
compare 2 malware strings
compare 2 files
compare 2 arrays
Sample output
!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA
%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA0
%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA0
... %d%%
.DEFAULT\Control Panel\International
\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
from linux try this
strings 1.bin | sort > output1.txt
strings 2.bin | sort > output2.txt
comm -12 output1.txt output2.txt > same.txt
Yara Basics - Regular Expression
rule HasUrls
$urlregex = /http(s|):\/\/[^\s]+\.[^\s]{2,5}/
$urlregexwide = /http(s|):\/\/[^\s]+\.[^\s]{2,5}/ wide
any of them
$urlregex = /http(s|):\/\/[^\s]+\.[^\s]{2,5}/
$urlregexwide = /http(s|):\/\/[^\s]+\.[^\s]{2,5}/ wide
any of them
Yara Basics - Unicode wide
rule IsNullsoftInstaller
$nullsoft = "http://nsis.sf.net/NSIS_Error" wide
any of them
$nullsoft = "http://nsis.sf.net/NSIS_Error" wide
any of them
Yara Basics - Magic Text
rule IsExecutable
$exe = { 4D 5A }
$exe at 0
$exe = { 4D 5A }
$exe at 0
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
c++ winhttp example
#include <windows.h>
#include <winhttp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "winhttp.lib")
int main()
LPCWSTR httpUserAgent = L"neonprimetime Simulation/1.0";
LPCWSTR httpUserAgentProxy = L"neonprimetime Proxy Simulation/1.0";
DWORD isHttpsEnabled = 0;
LPCWSTR httpHost = L"";
//LPCWSTR httpHost = L"www.microsoft.com";
LPCWSTR httpFullUrl = L"";
//LPCWSTR httpFullUrl = L"https://www.microsoft.com/";
LPCWSTR httpMethod = L"GET";
LPCWSTR httpPath = L"/";
DWORD lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
DWORD lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded = 0;
LPSTR strDownloadedHtmlBuffer;
BOOL isRequestSuccessful = FALSE;
BOOL isProxyFound = FALSE;
BOOL isProxySet = FALSE;
HINTERNET httpSession = NULL;
HINTERNET httpConnection = NULL;
HINTERNET httpRequest = NULL;
// open user agent session
if (httpSession)
printf("session opened\n");
if (!WinHttpSetTimeouts(httpSession, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000))
printf("Error %u in WinHttpSetTimeouts.\n", GetLastError());
printf("connection timeouts set\n");
// open connection to host
httpConnection = WinHttpConnect(httpSession, httpHost, httpPort, 0);
if (httpConnection)
printf("connection opened\n");
// open request to path
httpRequest = WinHttpOpenRequest(httpConnection, httpMethod, httpPath, NULL, WINHTTP_NO_REFERER, WINHTTP_DEFAULT_ACCEPT_TYPES, isHttpsEnabled);
if (httpRequest)
printf("request opened\n");
// send request to host
isRequestSuccessful = WinHttpSendRequest(httpRequest, WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS, 0, WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA, 0, 0, 0);
if (isRequestSuccessful)
printf("requesst sent\n");
// receive response from host
isRequestSuccessful = WinHttpReceiveResponse(httpRequest, NULL);
if (isRequestSuccessful)
printf("response received\n");
// check if there is still more html available to download
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
if (WinHttpQueryDataAvailable(httpRequest, &lenAvailableHtmlToDownload))
strDownloadedHtmlBuffer = new char[lenAvailableHtmlToDownload + 1];
if (strDownloadedHtmlBuffer)
// clear out (with 0s) the previously downloaded html
ZeroMemory(strDownloadedHtmlBuffer, lenAvailableHtmlToDownload + 1);
// download html to the buffer
if (WinHttpReadData(httpRequest, (LPVOID)strDownloadedHtmlBuffer, lenAvailableHtmlToDownload, &lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded))
printf("%4i bytes downloaded", lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded);
if (lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded > 0)
if (lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded <= 10)
printf(",'%s'\n", strDownloadedHtmlBuffer);
const int lenSnippet = 25;
char strFront[lenSnippet + 1];
char strBack[lenSnippet + 1];
strncpy_s(strFront, strDownloadedHtmlBuffer, lenSnippet);
for (int i = 0; i < lenSnippet; i++)
if (strFront[i] == '\r' || strFront[i] == '\n')
strFront[i] = ' ';
strFront[lenSnippet] = 0;
strncpy_s(strBack, strDownloadedHtmlBuffer + (strlen(strDownloadedHtmlBuffer) - lenSnippet), lenSnippet);
for (int i = 0; i < lenSnippet; i++)
if (strBack[i] == '\r' || strBack[i] == '\n')
strBack[i] = ' ';
strBack[lenSnippet] = 0;
printf(",'%s ... %s'\n", strFront, strBack);
//printf(",'%s'\n", strDownloadedHtmlBuffer);
printf(",nothing actually downloaded");
printf("Error %u in WinHttpReadData.\n", GetLastError());
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
delete[] strDownloadedHtmlBuffer;
printf("Out of memory\n");
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
printf("Error %u in WinHttpQueryDataAvailable.\n", GetLastError());
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
} while (lenAvailableHtmlToDownload > 0);
wprintf(L"Http Received failed '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath, GetLastError());
else {
wprintf(L"Http Send failed '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%u'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath, GetLastError());
if (httpRequest) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpRequest);
if (httpConnection) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpConnection);
if (httpSession) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpSession);
// send failed, try with a proxy
DWORD cbProxyInfoSize = sizeof(ProxyInfo);
ZeroMemory(&AutoProxyOptions, sizeof(AutoProxyOptions));
ZeroMemory(&ProxyInfo, sizeof(ProxyInfo));
if (httpSession)
printf("proxy re-opened session\n");
httpConnection = WinHttpConnect(httpSession, httpHost, httpPort, 0);
if (httpConnection)
printf("proxy re-opened connection\n");
httpRequest = WinHttpOpenRequest(httpConnection, httpMethod, httpPath, NULL, WINHTTP_NO_REFERER, WINHTTP_DEFAULT_ACCEPT_TYPES, isHttpsEnabled);
if (httpRequest)
printf("proxy re-opened request\n");
// discover the proxy auto config url
AutoProxyOptions.lpszAutoConfigUrl = L"http://pac.somebody.com/proxy.pac";
AutoProxyOptions.fAutoLogonIfChallenged = TRUE;
isProxyFound = WinHttpGetProxyForUrl(httpSession, httpFullUrl, &AutoProxyOptions, &ProxyInfo);
if (isProxyFound)
printf("proxy config url\n");
isProxySet = WinHttpSetOption(httpRequest, WINHTTP_OPTION_PROXY, &ProxyInfo, cbProxyInfoSize);
if (isProxySet)
printf("proxy set config url\n");
isRequestSuccessful = WinHttpSendRequest(httpRequest, WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS, 0, WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA, 0, 0, 0);
if (isRequestSuccessful)
printf("proxy sent request\n");
// receive response from host
isRequestSuccessful = WinHttpReceiveResponse(httpRequest, NULL);
if (isRequestSuccessful)
printf("response received via proxy\n");
// check if there is still more html available to download
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
if (WinHttpQueryDataAvailable(httpRequest, &lenAvailableHtmlToDownload))
strDownloadedHtmlBuffer = new char[lenAvailableHtmlToDownload + 1];
if (strDownloadedHtmlBuffer)
// clear out (with 0s) the previously downloaded html
ZeroMemory(strDownloadedHtmlBuffer, lenAvailableHtmlToDownload + 1);
// download html to the buffer
if (WinHttpReadData(httpRequest, (LPVOID)strDownloadedHtmlBuffer, lenAvailableHtmlToDownload, &lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded))
printf("%4i bytes downloaded", lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded);
if (lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded > 0)
if (lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded <= 10)
printf(",'%s'\n", strDownloadedHtmlBuffer);
const int lenSnippet = 25;
char strFront[lenSnippet + 1];
char strBack[lenSnippet + 1];
strncpy_s(strFront, strDownloadedHtmlBuffer, lenSnippet);
for (int i = 0; i < lenSnippet; i++)
if (strFront[i] == '\r' || strFront[i] == '\n')
strFront[i] = ' ';
strFront[lenSnippet] = 0;
strncpy_s(strBack, strDownloadedHtmlBuffer + (strlen(strDownloadedHtmlBuffer) - lenSnippet), lenSnippet);
for (int i = 0; i < lenSnippet; i++)
if (strBack[i] == '\r' || strBack[i] == '\n')
strBack[i] = ' ';
strBack[lenSnippet] = 0;
printf(",'%s ... %s'\n", strFront, strBack);
//printf(",'%s'\n", strDownloadedHtmlBuffer);
printf(",nothing actually downloaded");
printf("Error %u in WinHttpReadData.\n", GetLastError());
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
delete[] strDownloadedHtmlBuffer;
printf("Out of memory\n");
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
printf("Error %u in WinHttpQueryDataAvailable.\n", GetLastError());
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
} while (lenAvailableHtmlToDownload > 0);
wprintf(L"Http Proxy Received failed '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath, GetLastError());
wprintf(L"Http Proxy Send failed '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%u'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath, GetLastError());
wprintf(L"Http Proxy Set failed '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath);
wprintf(L"Http Proxy Found failed '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath);
wprintf(L"Http Proxy Request open failed '%s', '%s', , '%d''%s', '%s'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath);
if (httpConnection) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpConnection);
wprintf(L"Http Proxy Connection open failed '%s', '%s', '%d'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort);
if (httpSession) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpSession);
wprintf(L"Http Proxy Session open failed %s\n", httpUserAgent);\
if (httpRequest) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpRequest);
wprintf(L"Http Request open failed '%s', '%s', , '%d''%s', '%s'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath);
if (httpConnection) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpConnection);
wprintf(L"Http Connection open failed '%s', '%s', '%d'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort);
if (httpSession) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpSession);
wprintf(L"Http Session open failed %s\n", httpUserAgent);
#include <winhttp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "winhttp.lib")
int main()
LPCWSTR httpUserAgent = L"neonprimetime Simulation/1.0";
LPCWSTR httpUserAgentProxy = L"neonprimetime Proxy Simulation/1.0";
DWORD isHttpsEnabled = 0;
LPCWSTR httpHost = L"";
//LPCWSTR httpHost = L"www.microsoft.com";
LPCWSTR httpFullUrl = L"";
//LPCWSTR httpFullUrl = L"https://www.microsoft.com/";
LPCWSTR httpMethod = L"GET";
LPCWSTR httpPath = L"/";
DWORD lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
DWORD lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded = 0;
LPSTR strDownloadedHtmlBuffer;
BOOL isRequestSuccessful = FALSE;
BOOL isProxyFound = FALSE;
BOOL isProxySet = FALSE;
HINTERNET httpSession = NULL;
HINTERNET httpConnection = NULL;
HINTERNET httpRequest = NULL;
// open user agent session
if (httpSession)
printf("session opened\n");
if (!WinHttpSetTimeouts(httpSession, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000))
printf("Error %u in WinHttpSetTimeouts.\n", GetLastError());
printf("connection timeouts set\n");
// open connection to host
httpConnection = WinHttpConnect(httpSession, httpHost, httpPort, 0);
if (httpConnection)
printf("connection opened\n");
// open request to path
httpRequest = WinHttpOpenRequest(httpConnection, httpMethod, httpPath, NULL, WINHTTP_NO_REFERER, WINHTTP_DEFAULT_ACCEPT_TYPES, isHttpsEnabled);
if (httpRequest)
printf("request opened\n");
// send request to host
isRequestSuccessful = WinHttpSendRequest(httpRequest, WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS, 0, WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA, 0, 0, 0);
if (isRequestSuccessful)
printf("requesst sent\n");
// receive response from host
isRequestSuccessful = WinHttpReceiveResponse(httpRequest, NULL);
if (isRequestSuccessful)
printf("response received\n");
// check if there is still more html available to download
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
if (WinHttpQueryDataAvailable(httpRequest, &lenAvailableHtmlToDownload))
strDownloadedHtmlBuffer = new char[lenAvailableHtmlToDownload + 1];
if (strDownloadedHtmlBuffer)
// clear out (with 0s) the previously downloaded html
ZeroMemory(strDownloadedHtmlBuffer, lenAvailableHtmlToDownload + 1);
// download html to the buffer
if (WinHttpReadData(httpRequest, (LPVOID)strDownloadedHtmlBuffer, lenAvailableHtmlToDownload, &lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded))
printf("%4i bytes downloaded", lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded);
if (lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded > 0)
if (lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded <= 10)
printf(",'%s'\n", strDownloadedHtmlBuffer);
const int lenSnippet = 25;
char strFront[lenSnippet + 1];
char strBack[lenSnippet + 1];
strncpy_s(strFront, strDownloadedHtmlBuffer, lenSnippet);
for (int i = 0; i < lenSnippet; i++)
if (strFront[i] == '\r' || strFront[i] == '\n')
strFront[i] = ' ';
strFront[lenSnippet] = 0;
strncpy_s(strBack, strDownloadedHtmlBuffer + (strlen(strDownloadedHtmlBuffer) - lenSnippet), lenSnippet);
for (int i = 0; i < lenSnippet; i++)
if (strBack[i] == '\r' || strBack[i] == '\n')
strBack[i] = ' ';
strBack[lenSnippet] = 0;
printf(",'%s ... %s'\n", strFront, strBack);
//printf(",'%s'\n", strDownloadedHtmlBuffer);
printf(",nothing actually downloaded");
printf("Error %u in WinHttpReadData.\n", GetLastError());
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
delete[] strDownloadedHtmlBuffer;
printf("Out of memory\n");
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
printf("Error %u in WinHttpQueryDataAvailable.\n", GetLastError());
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
} while (lenAvailableHtmlToDownload > 0);
wprintf(L"Http Received failed '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath, GetLastError());
else {
wprintf(L"Http Send failed '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%u'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath, GetLastError());
if (httpRequest) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpRequest);
if (httpConnection) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpConnection);
if (httpSession) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpSession);
// send failed, try with a proxy
DWORD cbProxyInfoSize = sizeof(ProxyInfo);
ZeroMemory(&AutoProxyOptions, sizeof(AutoProxyOptions));
ZeroMemory(&ProxyInfo, sizeof(ProxyInfo));
if (httpSession)
printf("proxy re-opened session\n");
httpConnection = WinHttpConnect(httpSession, httpHost, httpPort, 0);
if (httpConnection)
printf("proxy re-opened connection\n");
httpRequest = WinHttpOpenRequest(httpConnection, httpMethod, httpPath, NULL, WINHTTP_NO_REFERER, WINHTTP_DEFAULT_ACCEPT_TYPES, isHttpsEnabled);
if (httpRequest)
printf("proxy re-opened request\n");
// discover the proxy auto config url
AutoProxyOptions.lpszAutoConfigUrl = L"http://pac.somebody.com/proxy.pac";
AutoProxyOptions.fAutoLogonIfChallenged = TRUE;
isProxyFound = WinHttpGetProxyForUrl(httpSession, httpFullUrl, &AutoProxyOptions, &ProxyInfo);
if (isProxyFound)
printf("proxy config url\n");
isProxySet = WinHttpSetOption(httpRequest, WINHTTP_OPTION_PROXY, &ProxyInfo, cbProxyInfoSize);
if (isProxySet)
printf("proxy set config url\n");
isRequestSuccessful = WinHttpSendRequest(httpRequest, WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS, 0, WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA, 0, 0, 0);
if (isRequestSuccessful)
printf("proxy sent request\n");
// receive response from host
isRequestSuccessful = WinHttpReceiveResponse(httpRequest, NULL);
if (isRequestSuccessful)
printf("response received via proxy\n");
// check if there is still more html available to download
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
if (WinHttpQueryDataAvailable(httpRequest, &lenAvailableHtmlToDownload))
strDownloadedHtmlBuffer = new char[lenAvailableHtmlToDownload + 1];
if (strDownloadedHtmlBuffer)
// clear out (with 0s) the previously downloaded html
ZeroMemory(strDownloadedHtmlBuffer, lenAvailableHtmlToDownload + 1);
// download html to the buffer
if (WinHttpReadData(httpRequest, (LPVOID)strDownloadedHtmlBuffer, lenAvailableHtmlToDownload, &lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded))
printf("%4i bytes downloaded", lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded);
if (lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded > 0)
if (lenHtmlActuallyDownloaded <= 10)
printf(",'%s'\n", strDownloadedHtmlBuffer);
const int lenSnippet = 25;
char strFront[lenSnippet + 1];
char strBack[lenSnippet + 1];
strncpy_s(strFront, strDownloadedHtmlBuffer, lenSnippet);
for (int i = 0; i < lenSnippet; i++)
if (strFront[i] == '\r' || strFront[i] == '\n')
strFront[i] = ' ';
strFront[lenSnippet] = 0;
strncpy_s(strBack, strDownloadedHtmlBuffer + (strlen(strDownloadedHtmlBuffer) - lenSnippet), lenSnippet);
for (int i = 0; i < lenSnippet; i++)
if (strBack[i] == '\r' || strBack[i] == '\n')
strBack[i] = ' ';
strBack[lenSnippet] = 0;
printf(",'%s ... %s'\n", strFront, strBack);
//printf(",'%s'\n", strDownloadedHtmlBuffer);
printf(",nothing actually downloaded");
printf("Error %u in WinHttpReadData.\n", GetLastError());
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
delete[] strDownloadedHtmlBuffer;
printf("Out of memory\n");
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
printf("Error %u in WinHttpQueryDataAvailable.\n", GetLastError());
lenAvailableHtmlToDownload = 0;
} while (lenAvailableHtmlToDownload > 0);
wprintf(L"Http Proxy Received failed '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath, GetLastError());
wprintf(L"Http Proxy Send failed '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%u'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath, GetLastError());
wprintf(L"Http Proxy Set failed '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath);
wprintf(L"Http Proxy Found failed '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath);
wprintf(L"Http Proxy Request open failed '%s', '%s', , '%d''%s', '%s'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath);
if (httpConnection) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpConnection);
wprintf(L"Http Proxy Connection open failed '%s', '%s', '%d'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort);
if (httpSession) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpSession);
wprintf(L"Http Proxy Session open failed %s\n", httpUserAgent);\
if (httpRequest) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpRequest);
wprintf(L"Http Request open failed '%s', '%s', , '%d''%s', '%s'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort, httpMethod, httpPath);
if (httpConnection) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpConnection);
wprintf(L"Http Connection open failed '%s', '%s', '%d'\n", httpUserAgent, httpHost, httpPort);
if (httpSession) WinHttpCloseHandle(httpSession);
wprintf(L"Http Session open failed %s\n", httpUserAgent);
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