Friday, September 2, 2016

Intel Assembly Basics: General Purpose Registers

Intel Assembly Basics

8 general purpose registers
1.) EAX #can also access hi/lo order 8 bits (AH/AL)
2.) EBX #can also access hi/lo order 8 bits (BH/BL)
3.) ECX #used by many string instructions as a counter, can also access hi/lo order 8 bits (CH/CL)
4.) EDX #can also access hi/lo order 8 bits (DH/DL)
5.) ESI #used by many string instructions as a source pointer, can also access lo order 16 bits (SI)
6.) EDI #used by many string instructions as a destination pointer, can also access lo order 16 bits (DI)
7.) EBP #used in many stack operations, generally contain addresses, if wrong address can cause app to crash, can also access lo order 16 bits (BP)
8.) ESP #can also access lo order 16 bits (SP)

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