Wednesday, July 29, 2020

further into the emotet 1st level packer

emotet mfc

my random notes on where i got and what i saw

Go into AfxDlgProc() set breakpoint on
call dword ptr [edx+144h]

step into the call (renamed to subEmotetDecryptor)
 this is likely the start of the Emotet Decryptor

- CDialog::OnInitDialog()
- GetSystemMenu()
- FromHandle()
- subMove1ValuetoEAX()
- call dword ptr [edx+0ch]
- AfxFindStringResourceHandle()
- subFindResource()
-- FindResourceA()
-- localFunction9()
--- LoadResource()
--- LockResource()
--- SizeOfResource()
--- localFunction10() [GetVersionExA, InterlockedExchange]
--- WideCharToMultiByte()
--- localFunction11()
---- call dword ptr [edx+8]
--- localFunction10() [GetVersionExA, InterlockedExchange]
--- WideCharToMultiByte()
--- localFunction6()
- AppendMenuA()
- AppendMenuA()
- "mshta.exe" stack string
- _wcslen()
- subLotsSubCalls1()
- _wcslen()
- subLotsSubCalls1()
- _wcslen()
- subLotsSubCalls1()
- subLotsSubCalls1b()
- subLotsSubCalls1b()
- subLotsSubCalls1b()
- LoadLibraryExW()
- long string "9xgnie40s......"
- subGetApis()
-- LoadLibraryExA()
--- stack string "VirtaAocExNuma"
--- stack string "kerne32.d"
--- LoadLibraryExA()
--- GetProcAddress
--- stack string "taskmgr.exe"
--- LoadLibraryExA()
--- GetCurrentProcess()
--- subFindResourceHandleCallPtr()
--- call ebp (1st unpacked code????)
---- subGetApiIntoEax (LoadLibraryA)
---- subGetApiIntoEax (GetProcAddress)
---- subGetApiIntoEax (VirtualAlloc)
---- subGetApiIntoEax (VirtualProtect)
---- subGetApiIntoEax (ZwFlushInstructionCache)
---- subGetApiIntoEax (GetNativeSystemInfo)
---- call ebx (GetNativeSystemInfo)
---- eax = 4096 (on my machine) - 1 = 4095 <== dwPageSize? size of page used by VirtualAlloc
---- ebx = 53248 (on my machine)
---- ecx = FFF + C200 = D1FF
---- edx = !FFF = FFFFF000
---- eax = eax + ebx = DFFF
---- ecx = ecx & edx = D000
---- eax = eax & edx = D000
---- if eax != ecx [exit]
---- call ebp (VirtualAlloc(null, 53248, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE), returns EAX = 00300000
---- call [esp+5Ch+var_3C] (LoadLibraryA("Kernel32.dll"), returns EAX=76140000
---- call esi (GetProcAddress(7614000, IsProcessorFeaturePresent), returns EAX=76155135
---- loop
----- call [esp+68h+var_2C] (VirtualProtect(0x00301000, 28160, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ)
----- call [esp+68h+var_2C] (VirtualProtect(0x00308000, 512, PAGE_READONLY)
----- call [esp+68h+var_2C] (VirtualProtect(0x00309000, 3072, PAGE_READWRITE)
----- call [esp+68h+var_2C] (VirtualProtect(0x0030B000, 512, PAGE_READONLY)
----- call [esp+68h+var_2C] (VirtualProtect(0x0030C000, 512, PAGE_READONLY)
---- call [esp+64h+var_28] (ZwFlushInstructionCache(0xFFFFFFFF, null, null)
---- call esi (local code debug038:0034244)
----- call localFunction1()
------ ***lots of calls to decryptApi() and many much more code***, i set breakpoints on decryptApi calls, they are below
------ GetProcessHeap(), returns EAX=0x00520000
------ GetModuleHandleA("NTDLL"), returns EAX=77910000
------ RtlAllocateHeap(0x00520000, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, 48)
------ GetProcessHeap()
------ RtlAllocateHeap(0x00520000, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, 48) <== lots of these, skipping them in the future
------ LoadLibraryW("advapi32.dll"), returns EAX=75D20000
------ GetProcessHeap() <== lots of these, skipping them in the future
------ HeapFree() <== lots of these, skipping them in the future
------ LoadLibraryW("crypt32.dll"), returns EAX=753C0000
------ LoadLibraryW("shell32.dll"), returns EAX=76480000
------ LoadLibraryW("shlwapi.dll"), returns EAX=760B0000
------ LoadLibraryW("urlmon.dll"), returns EAX=750C0000
------ LoadLibraryW("userenv.dll"), returns EAX=76080000
------ LoadLibraryW("wininet.dll"), returns EAX=75680000
------ LoadLibraryW("stsapi32.dll"), returns EAX=74B50000
------ OpenScManagerW(null, null, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS)
------ CloseServiceHandle()
------ SHGetFolderPathW()
------ GetModuleFileNameW(null) <-- gets full path of this exe
------ PathSkipRootW()
------ PathFindExtensionW()
------ lstrcpynW()
------ GetModuleFileNameW(null)
------ snwprintf()
------ FindFirstFileW("c:\windows\system32\")
------ loop
------- FindNextFileW()
-------  sometimes ==> PathFindExtensionW("12520437.cpx") <-- ran multiple file names, folders, dlls, etc.
------ FindClose()
------ GetCommandLineW()
------ CommandLineToArgW()
------ LocalFree()
------ GetModuleFileNameW(null)
------ CreateFileW("c:\users\win7\desktop\emotet.exe", FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ) <-- name of this executable
------ GetFileInformationByHandleEx()
------ CloseHandle()
------ GetSystemTimeAsFileTime()
------ OpenScManagerW()
------ OpenServiceW(, "emotet", ) <-- name of current executable, returns NULL because doesn't exist
------ CloseServiceHandle()
------ GetTickCount()
------ lstrcpyW()
------ lstrlenW()
------ GetTickCount()
------ lstrcpyW()
------ lstrlenW()
------ GetCurrentProcessID()
------ memset(0x18E76Ch, 0, 30)
------ memset(0x18E76Ch, 0, 500)
------ memset(..)
------ lstrcpyW("c:\windows\syswow64\cmdl32\negoexts.exe", ..)
------ SHFileOperationW()

*** IDS thew a next step debugger exception here ***

----- call decryptApi()
----- call eax
---- *** more code ***
---- call eax (near the bottom)
- call dword ptr [edx+4]
- SendMessageA()
- SendMessageA()
- SendMessageA()
- call dword ptr [edx+140h]
- string ""
- subFindResourceHandleCallPtr2()
- call dword ptr [eax+138h]
- Cwnd::GetDlgItem()
- GetWindowRect()
- Cwnd::ScreenToClient()

1 comment:

  1. I want to thank Dr Emu a very powerful spell caster who help me to bring my husband back to me, few month ago i have a serious problem with my husband, to the extend that he left the house, and he started dating another woman and he stayed with the woman, i tried all i can to bring him back, but all my effort was useless until the day my friend came to my house and i told her every thing that had happened between me and my husband, then she told me of a powerful spell caster who help her when she was in the same problem I then contact Dr Emu and told him every thing and he told me not to worry my self again that my husband will come back to me after he has cast a spell on him, i thought it was a joke, after he had finish casting the spell, he told me that he had just finish casting the spell, to my greatest surprise within 48 hours, my husband really came back begging me to forgive him, if you need his help you can contact him with via email: or add him up on his whatsapp +2347012841542 is willing to help any body that need his help.
